Neural Mix Filter Reset (Instrument/Vocal) Midi Command

It would be awesome if you guys could include a (Reset Neural Mix Filter) in the Midi mapping options! I use the regular eq/filter resets often and would like to be able to do it with the instrument/vocal filter as well!

Been loving the program so far, Neural Mix is insane! Playing my first gig with it tomorrow night and I am excited to try a bunch of this isolation stuff out on a crowd!



Thanks for the suggestion @Pineapulp. I’ve gone ahead and shared this with the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left so we can gauge user demand for this.

You should consider these knobs much like EQ knobs on an analogue mixer and create a mental habit of checking their centring whenever necessary.
Very few mixers have an EQ bypass toggle, and no mixers that I know have an “EQ reset” function,

The software does allow you to automatically reset these parameters at track change, though. The zero point not be redefined, but the faders will restore physical position upon any further movement.

If you are super tech savvy, you can create a macro to send the MIDI controls that correspond to setting all the parameters you want back to zero. There are multiple applications that can send MIDI macros.

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