Newest DVS Issue 5.2.4

I’m tired in making videos about Djay (Pro?) bugs, I wanted just use it…but it seems that is not possible.
This remind me when I have used Windows 2000…

You know I have always waiting new updates, waiting for bugs will be fixed, and getting smile, but just getting my eyebrow make question mark shape, you know what I mean?

So, the new DVS issue is extreme…with or without CFX and Key Lock, the Cuing/jogg affecting the running /active track…it means you can not able to pre listen/cue the next song…see this capture…

Can you share what your pre cueimg settings are?

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Hi @DJ-Z,

Thanks for sharing your issue.

As @Dysfunk_DJ pointed out, could you please share your pre-cueing settings with us? Additionally, DVS settings and audio routing configuration would be helpful.


:grin: @NathanielAlgo
Which DVS, audio routing, or pre-cueing setting should produce this behaving? I think NON OF THEM! All setting are same as before I have used -default, but I can not reproduce repeatedly this behaving…just happen and so annoying…

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just want keep on front of the face … :slight_smile:

Guys, is this have been pushed to engineer team?

Hi @DJ-Z,

We appreciate your patience regarding this DVS issue!

We released djay v5.2.5 last night and would like to see if you’re still experiencing this issue.

Our teams have not been able to reproduce this issue as of late but it is still on our radar.


yes issue still experienced, a minute ago I have been tested, really frustrating

just wondering, how that possible previous releases worked fine, but with new improvements/features the app getting worse, and have more issues, how?

May be my old 2018 iPad Pro, my iMac also old 2019 i7…I don’t know…
I’ll test with my iPhone 14 Pro…

I have tested on iPhone 14 Pro, but unfortunately issues are the same on it too!
All the issues I have been posted previously still exist and not have been fixed at your end!

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I just hope that, you fixed the above issue in 5.2.7. I have surprised, you didn’t. Why? After 3 updates still have serious issues on DVS.

Also, it seems only me the one who posting here without any reply.
Anyway, Happy New Year all of you!

Hi @DJ-Z,

We appreciate your consistency in following up regarding this DVS issue.

Have you personally continued to experience this in the latest version of djay for iOS, v5.2.7?

I ask as we have not been able to reproduce said issue.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Yes I do!
Can you share a video how do you try to reproduce this issue?

I can recreate this issue consistently. With Phaze & Control Vinyl. It’s a major issue.

  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen): Macbook M1pro
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1): 14.5
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2): latest (jan18-25)


Thank you for sharing this update.

Could you please reach out to us at the link below with the subject line “ATTN: NATHANIEL - DVS ISSUE 5.2.4” so that we can provide you with some next steps?

Thank you so much!

after, 4 months and finally in 5.2.8 still not fixed! CONGRATS!

Yeah, it’s ridiculous just how bad the DVS is. I’m going back to Serato unfortunately, I have to have accurate pitch adjustments and Djay is so far from accurate. It takes SECONDS to update the pitch to what’s on my deck, especially if it’s a small adjustment. NONE of the other features mean anything if I can’t mix the tracks together.