I’m tired in making videos about Djay (Pro?) bugs, I wanted just use it…but it seems that is not possible.
This remind me when I have used Windows 2000…
You know I have always waiting new updates, waiting for bugs will be fixed, and getting smile, but just getting my eyebrow make question mark shape, you know what I mean?
So, the new DVS issue is extreme…with or without CFX and Key Lock, the Cuing/jogg affecting the running /active track…it means you can not able to pre listen/cue the next song…see this capture…
As @Dysfunk_DJ pointed out, could you please share your pre-cueing settings with us? Additionally, DVS settings and audio routing configuration would be helpful.
Which DVS, audio routing, or pre-cueing setting should produce this behaving? I think NON OF THEM! All setting are same as before I have used -default, but I can not reproduce repeatedly this behaving…just happen and so annoying…
I have tested on iPhone 14 Pro, but unfortunately issues are the same on it too!
All the issues I have been posted previously still exist and not have been fixed at your end!
Could you please reach out to us at the link below with the subject line “ATTN: NATHANIEL - DVS ISSUE 5.2.4” so that we can provide you with some next steps?
Yeah, it’s ridiculous just how bad the DVS is. I’m going back to Serato unfortunately, I have to have accurate pitch adjustments and Djay is so far from accurate. It takes SECONDS to update the pitch to what’s on my deck, especially if it’s a small adjustment. NONE of the other features mean anything if I can’t mix the tracks together.