NI Traktor S3 External Source

2020 iPad Air 4th Gen
iOS 18
Djay Pro ai 5.2.9
Traktor Kontrol S3

Basically what @steve_draper1 asked a few years back.
“how can we get my external turntable to play via channel 4”
is it possible within djay pro ai?
And I mean with my own vinyl records and not dvs.
He didn’t get any answer and the topic is closed.

Hi @SPACEJESUS, can you please link the closed topic?


Thanks @SPACEJESUS, I’ve passed this onto our hardware team to see if they can provide some insight.

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Hi @SPACEJESUS, assuming you mean connecting an analog turntable to the LINE IN of the S3, this should work, as long as you have a turntable with a phono pre-amp built in (as the S3 doesn’t have that). You would then configure that input channel in djay’s DVS settings.

Hello! It’s been a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!