No MIDI Device Found | Vestax SPIN 1

I have a Vestax SPIN 1 and recently upgraded to dJay 4.2. SPIN can be used as audio output but will not be recognized by the software as a controller (i.e. no buttons, jogwheels, volume knobs do anything… It is also greyed out under MIDI on saying “No MIDI device found”.

What is going on here? The spin works on other people’s computers.

Hi, Im having the same issue. SPIN is not found when connected.

Hi Jason,

Sorry to hear that. Are you using an external USB Hub? Have you tried using a different USB port on your Mac?

Just curious here… is this thread indicative of Algoriddim’s attention to customer service problems? After 4 years, they’ve offered -zero- responses?

I’m having the same issue with DJay Free and 2 on my iPhone running OS 9.3.5

Nothing seems to acknowledge the hardware controller.

I have the same problem… What can I do. I even bought a new version of Djay, but my Spin does nothing… (on other mac’s it does)

Same here–any resolution?

I am unable to utilize my Hercules dj console RMX with the djay pro. What gives, Algoriddim?

same issue with me on my Hercules RMX dj console. just bought the dj pro an hour ago.

Hey there,

sorry to hear this, the threads last activity was before my time at algoriddim :slight_smile:
Could you please send us a mail via for further help?
Please attach an image of your setup, that would help us a lot.

Lukas E.

Same problem with Traktor S4. Any help?