Non-Deck (unmixed) assigned FX channels disabled on track load despite setting

  • Device model: iPad Air (2024)
  • Version of operating system: iOS 17.6
  • Version of djay: 5.1.2
  • Hardware/controllers used: Xone K2

Summary of the issue:

When disabling the “Song Loading: Reset …”, some aspects of the control surface still unexpectedly reset. Specifically, the FX channels which are not assigned to “Deck” are disabled (those FX channels which are assigned to “Deck” remain enabled if previously so).

How to reproduce the issue:

In settings, disable option “Reset EQ, FX, tempo on track load”. Enable an FX channel. Ensure assigned to “Deck”. Load a new track. FX remains enabled, as expected :+1:. Now assign FX to any non-Deck stem. Load a new track. FX channel will be disabled :-1:.

Thanks again for the detailed description and video @wasabidj. This is super helpful. I was able to replicate this issue on 5.2.1 and have forwarded to engineering for further review. Thanks!

Hi again @wasabidj, please update to 5.2.2 and use the new option to disable resetting of Neural Mix controls on song load.

Many thanks to you and the dev team for a swift resolution!

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You’re welcome @wasabidj