Option for mono output

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I think djay pro should consider adding the option to output the audio as mono. Unless I’m missing something else, I am receiving stereo signals in my headphones, which makes using the old one ear on, one off tricky.

Hi @jmoak311, thanks for the suggestion! Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

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Hello everyone!
I would like to beef up the suggestion of including the option of setting the Master audio output to mono. Why? I have situations where I go to work and the sound in the place is in mono or there are also places where I go to work that only provide me with one channel from the soundboard. And I have songs in stereo where sometimes the voice or some element of the music is only on one side and when playing in mono sound the music seems to be faulty.

I had a recent problem when I played Twist and Shout by the Beatles. And in the original recording, the vocals are only on one channel. And the channel I connected to the soundboard was the one with no vocals. And when it was played through the PA, the song became instrumental.

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Hey @brunolima, I’m pretty new to djay pro but your old post just popped up on my feed, and I’m not sure if you’ve found a solution. The djay pro team just informed me that for my unit (ddj1000srt) you set the controller basically in recovery mode, and change it from there. I’ve got my unit in my trailer buried in dj furniture but will dig it out this weekend since I’m off and give it a go. Not sure what board/mixer you use, but you may be able to change it via your mixer. Best of luck.