Option to Disable Automatic Resetting of Pitch to Zero after New Track is loaded.

I use the Pioneer DDJ-Wego 2 controller for Djay 2 iOS, and the most annoying thing is the way the pitch slider resets to zero in the software everytime I load a new track.

This means i have to move the Pitch Fader on the controller back to zero first before I can change fhe pitch.

This is not how pitch faders work in real life and it is quite frustrating.

Could you please add an option so that we can disable the pitch reset every time we load a new track, and keep the pitch in the same place as it was before we loaded the track?

Thanks for your time,

Hey Adrian, 

thank you very much for contacting us!
This is a feature which is only available for djay Pro.
But thanks for your idea, I definitely hand this over to our developers!
Best regards,