Pad mode on unsupported midi devices // suggestion - variable midi command PAD1, PAD2, ...

Hi there! Just an idea :upside_down_face:

The Problem: On unsupported MIDI devices, the pads can only be assigned to one function. Changing the Pad Mode has no effect on this.
For example, if I’m in Pad Mode Sampler and assign the pads to Sampler 1-8, one would expect that switching to Pad Mode Hot Cue would allow reassigning the pads, but it doesn’t work. The pads remain assigned to the Sampler function, OR you reassign them, and then they are only Hot Cues.

My suggestion:
Instead of midi commands Cue1, or Sampler 1, or Clear Cue 1, … DJAY should allow assigning the pads via MIDI with the command Deck 1: Pad 1 to Pad 8. Then the software decides what function the triggered pads have. Switching the Pad Mode would then automatically result in the correct assignment. Since this is just a software function, there should be nothing standing in the way of implementing this. Or am I wrong about that?

Would be a superhelpfull feature! Thanks for thinking about it :smiling_face:

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It’s possible to do on the software side, for example Traktor can do it; but Traktor’s MIDI implementation is more sophisticated.

Today most modern controllers take care of this on the hardware side. When you press a Pad Mode button, it changes the MIDI codes being sent by each individual Pad.

For example, on the FLX4:
Press the Hot Cue Mode button and Pad #1 will send MIDI: C1
Press the Pad FX Mode button, and Pad #1 will send MIDI: E0


Hi Michael,
Traktor - very interesting - good to know, thx!

To get this feature for unsupported Hardware like the Novation Launchpad, Akai API25 or even older controllers like the Vestax VCI380 would be great.
I mean - using looper with an aka API25 is super badass!


Thanks for the suggestion @HertiMK. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.