PAD XY FX - midi control

Midi Control for this View

Something similar to View Mode for the entire panel.
3 Display modes

  • Cue
  • Saved Loop
  • FX

For FX mode:

  • Previus Fx
  • NextFX
  • PAD X
  • PAD Y

Quickly, I would like to use mapping for the device: korg nanopad2
I have an idea to hold this device above the turntable/controller.

By the way, ‘next fx’, ‘previus fx’ - later, I would think about ‘user favorite fx bank’ and ‘all fx’. Favorite fx - would have, for example, a maximum of 5fx - which would limit next fx/previus fx.

I understand that currently it works like this: on the X axis there is the strength of the effect, and on the Y axis there is the filter used.
After all, it would be good if I didn’t have to use the 3fx bank, but had another selection window.

MIDI mapping for FX would be really great. I would use many other controllers for that. Adding a second touch screen just for FX would be great too. I heard IOS allows that. (Windows user here).

Check this:

TOUCH OSc lets you create a bridge between devices via network. You can use a tablet/phone/raspberry pi with an open project to control additional parameters.

As I wrote above, I miss XYpad position via MIDI and changing views so I can see what effect I’m using.

I use Windows :slight_smile:

Hi @mausikdj,

Thanks for sharing this suggestion with our community!

Our engineering team is actively looking into this inquiry for further consideration.

Have a nice day!