Pioneer DDJ-RB support (similar to DDJ-SB2 ?)

Algoriddim? Any update? I bought the djay pro software and was hoping to be able to use it with the ddj-rb, please let us know what’s going on. Thanks!

Yes please!!

Jared you’re the man, thanks so much!!

I can’t get it to work on my mac

Any update algoriddim?

Was any one able to figure out how Jared got his to work? If anyone could explain that to me it would be greatly appreciated, looks like algoriddim just comments that all our posts are “pushing the implementation of the topic”.

worked thanks!!

Yes Please !!

Great news.
Same problem with cue in headphones not working.

Anyone who would like to use this mapping I made is welcome to. Everything seems to work great as far as I can tell, just play around with it some to figure out how I mapped the pads since there isn’t clear functions in djay Pro matching everything on the DDJ-RB.…

Easiest way to get it to show up is to change the extension to .djayMidiMapping and then paste the file into the folder with the other mapping files. If you go into the midi configuration screen in djay Pro and then select share->reveal in finder, that will open the folder. Then close and re-open djay Pro and should show up in your configs.

Install proper drivers from this link:

Then put the file in this folder with extension .djayMidiMapping (obviously replace *jwilliams* with your home folder)
/Users/jwilliams/Library/Containers/com.algoriddim.djay-pro-mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Algoriddim/MIDI Mappings

** if you can’t see the Library folder in Finder then right click in Finder window and select *show view options* and make sure *Show Library Folder* is checked **

Then start up djay Pro with DDJ-RB connected and it should see it.


Is the native mapping planned to be available for DJay Pro and DJay 2? (Mac and iPhone)?

Any ETA on sight?


Still no update from Algoriddim on this? This controller is getting a lot of traction now, why is it taking such a long time to implement this hardware.

cmon algoriddim we need that mapping

Jared, thanks for sharing! Saved me a lot of time and stuff I couldn’t figure out myself like the vu meters.

I am however surprised that this controller isn’t natively supported yet.
We have a 63-post-thread started 7 months ago, not to mention this is a Pioneer controller.

Algoriddim please take action or give your users at least some kind of an estimate.


As I pointed out 3months ago, the file @Jared made available on dropbox works really well and is a perfect workaround for the time being. You can find his mapping on the promoted replies.

After you downloaded @Jared’s file remove the .txt extension and doubleclick to install in djay Pro.

Note: Plugin the controller before you doubleclick the file

If ur still not sure whether to buy yes or no, ask others to confirm my comment

Please add native support, would be great. Almost 70 posts in this community, must make it a priority.