Pioneer DDJ-T1: No lights and no cueing with headphone jack

Im using DJ Pro with the controller Pioneer DDJ-T1
and I matched all knobs, buttons and sliders by the midi learn engine.

But I cant use the headphone jack for cueing the next song.
Only the headphone jack of the Macbook Pro is working.
The Master out of the DDJ-T1 is working for the master singnal fine.
Whats wrong?

All the lights of the DDJ-T1 are off except the lights on the jogwheels and the Decks-Choice “A, B, C, D”. Even when I press play, the play button is also dark. The same with the cue buttons and all other important knobs.
So whats wrong here?

And the jogwheels (outer ring) reacting very reserved. Curbing the beat works well, but to nudge doesnt work. Do you have an idea?

Hardware: Pioneer DDJ-T1, Macbook Pro, OSX Sierra

Thank you for your help,

Hi Mike,

thank you for sharing your feedback. Can you send us a screenshot of your device settings?Is the DDJ T1 selected as Pre Cueing device?

Regarding the LED lights, you can map them via the advanced midi learn settings, by activating the midi out settings.
Please see the djay Pro Manual 5.15 for further information :slight_smile:

Cheers,Lukas E.

Hi Mike,
I have the exact same problem… could you send me your config file for the DDJ-T1 please…??