Pioneer SX3-Djay pro 2 crossfader issue

I recently purchased a Pioneer SX3- The issue is that all the buttons are auto mapped correctly expect the crossfader on Djay pro2. I also had the original Djay pro version and it works fine. Can some one please tell me why the crossfader is not assigned to be mapped on the pro 2?


Thank you in advance.

Do you accept the midi mapping dialog window at startup?

Thank you for your answer.

Lukas E.

Hi Guys,

The SX 3 is being used as an external mixer hybrid. The crossfader is not sending midi signals but is working in order to switch between decks on the Hardware side.

This is expected. Please make sure you accept the midi dialog window on startup.

I talked to someone at Algoriddim and they stated that they used the same mapping as the Sx2 but the issue is the software is not recognizing the crossfader for the sx3. They did not tell me an estimated time they will update the software.

I did accept the midi mapping but it still not working

I am having the same issue - is there a solution?

I see you haven’t responded in a month - please respond ASAP

I need to know if there is a way to fix this or not ASAP - Should I start my own post? This one has been ignored by an admin for a month