Pitch Bend (-) behavior improvement request

Hello, I would like to request a change in how the pitch bend (-) behaves. In Djay Pro, the pitch bend (-) works by “slowing down” the track; however, the direction of the track stays moving forward, albeit very slow. You can see what I mean if you have the middle of a track paused: hold down the pitch (-), and you will see the waveform start to move forward very slowly. This is different than all of the other competing DJ software. In other software, pressing and holding pitch bend (-) still “slows down” the track, but it also pushes the track backward. This is key and important because going backward and forwards with pitch bend helps you hone into a specific part of the track by using the pitch (-) to go backward and pitch (+) to go forward when the track is paused.

If it behaved this way, forward and back could be controlled using hardware only (for example, on the Mixtour Pro). Currently, in Djay Pro when a track is paused, I can use Pitch Bend (+) to nudge the track forward until I find the specific point I want, but if I accidentally go past that point, I have no way of moving the track backward since pitch bend (-) does not move the track backward. My only option is to use my mouse or touch screen to nudge the track backward. Can you please change the pitch bend (-) behavior to match other software? I appreciate your consideration.

Not a game changer but yes I agree, this would be nice to have, On the Rane One the Jog wheels are big and I don’t have an issue with it at all, on the Prime Go however the Jog wheels are tiny and are not as precise.

Thanks for the suggestion @deejaymiggy. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.