Please make the Crossfader FX settings more user-friendly respectively midi-mappable

I’m a huge fan of the new Crossfader FX functionality. I would really appreciate if we could map the different transitions to the pads of a controller and choose them like one of the Instant FX. So instead of having Echo Out or Reverb Out, I could quickly switch from EQ to Filter, Dissolve or any of the other effects. That would be much easier and way more comfortable than being forced to use the mouse or touchpad on the laptop. Just add it to the FX menu and call it “Transitions”


Thanks for the suggestion @Andreas_Haase1 ! I’ve shared this with the dev team for consideration.

I would suggest if the cross fader drop down transition menu could be positioned a little away from cross fader. Cross fader Transitioning on a Mac book or iOS was convenient in the previous version.Ty.

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Great suggestion, I voted for this.

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Move that little Crossfader fx dropdown ^ as it’s too close between the right side of crossfader and the Neural “N”

Hi @Andi_Joseph1, please use search before creating new topics. I’ve merged yours with this existing one. You can use the vote button to show your support for this suggestion. Thanks!

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Hi Slak, I searched for the topic but cannot find anything relevant.
My suggestion was t about mapping or the function but instead the positioning of the dropdown ^ icon.
When DJing directly on the iPad and sliding the crossfade from right to left, I cannot tell you how many times I accidentally hit the dropdown menu for the crossfader fx.
Could you point me to the topic of it’s been spoken of before?

Andi Joseph

+46 739078691

Hi @Andi_Joseph1, I understood your request and it has been suggested above and included in this one:

Hi Slak, I searched for the topic but cannot find anything relevant.
My suggestion was t about mapping or the function but instead the positioning of the dropdown ^ icon.
When DJing directly on the iPad and sliding the crossfade from right to left, I cannot tell you how many times I accidentally hit the dropdown menu for the crossfader fx.
Could you point me to the topic of it’s been spoken of before?

Andi Joseph

+46 739078691

It’s included in this suggestion above:

@Andi_Joseph1 this has already been communicated to the dev team for consideration. Thanks!

Perfect!! Thanks

Andi Joseph

+46 739078691

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No problem. You’re welcome @Andi_Joseph1