Possibly misleading DRM error message when using Lossless files

When using Apple Music as the source for loading songs in Djay, the message “Could not load track. The track cannot be played because it is DRM-protected or otherwise not available” has led me down a rabbit hole for days, deleting and resyncing playlists, and checking my purchases to make sure I have the DRM free .m4a files and not the .m4p versions.

The actual issue seems to be lack of support for Lossless. To get my songs working in DJAY I had to remove the lossless downloads, change the “Downloads Audio Quality” to “High Quality” in iOS Music Settings, redownload and now all my songs play fine.

I have tested this by toggling back and forth between High Quality and Lossless and the results replicate every time.

I have seen the other threads about ALAC support but they either seem closed without resolution or resolved as working so I’m not sure exactly where the issue lies. If Lossless is not supported then perhaps a better error message would help customers get things working quicker.

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AIFF and Wav work without issue.

I’m specifically referring to Apple Lossless on iOS

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Ah. I avoid m4a since it’s not compatible with all CDJ models. I’d advise converting them to aiff at 16-bit 44.1kHz.

I’m having the same issue. Very annoying as this used to work fine.

I have a similar issue but can’t work out why it happens,
Frequently when I sync my music library, there is a group of 25 tracks that wont always be synced…
Whenever I sync, I always search form one particular track that I’ve had this issue with and if it’s not there, I usually need to resend a few times and even disconnecting my iPad, and shutting down iTunes then restarting it and te syncing then they usually return…
Haven’t been able to work out why this happens though

You have it backwards.
djay isn’t not supporting lossless, Apple Music won’t work with algoriddim on licensing for djay like Tidal has.
DRM is to ensure the artist receives the appropriate royalties for each stream/download. Until Apple and algoriddim work something out, you’ll have to jump through those hoops. algoriddim made Tidal happen when Spotify decided to withdraw from providing their content to djay, so the issue here is clearly Apple’s mindset/attitude/legal constraint.

If Apple Lossless is using DRM then my last comment about showing a better message is still valid. If Djay is able to detect the format then a message stating to simply switch the Downloads setting to High Quality would resolve many frustrations quickly


This doesn’t work on macOS either.