Pre-cueing nog possible

Hi there. I use an audio splitter (1 connection to my headphone, 1 to external speakers. Whatever i try everytime i hear both records. What do i do wrong?

Slide your que/mix slider to the left. Its in settings, where your headphone volume is.

Well it works fine for all of us, so it must be your settings. Maybe wait for a reply from one of the officials.

Hi Eric,

could you tell us a bit more about your setup, which djay software you are using, if you are using an external controller besides the application etc.
Thank you in advance.

Lukas E.

Thank you Eric for these informations.
Please make sure your “Pre-Cueing” Settings are set up right. Therefor please make sure you activated the “Split Output” at your “Settings”(the little gear icon). If it is still not working, contact us right away.

Lukas E.

Can you please send us a screenshot of in app settings and of the decks overview. Than you in advance.

Hi there,

we got your mail and the pictures, the settings seem to be correct. Could you tell us which Belkin audio splitter you are using? Thank you in advance.

Lukas E.

No, that doesn’t work. It’s impossible to play one track over the master and pre-listen the other track on Youri headphone to make a good mix. If that is not possible (which i can not imagine) the system does not work for live performance. There must be a solution. Who??

Thanks for you reply Lukas.

I use:
APP. Djay2 (2.8.1)
IOS 9.2
iPad 5.4
Audio Splitter from belkin

I don’t use an external controller. Just my IPad. The splitter Goes to my headphone and active speakers.

I hope you can help me

Hi Lukas,

Yves i tried that allready. i enabled ’ Split Output’ , set the cure-mix bar to the left and my IPad on stereo.

Can you give me a e-mailadres to sent them to?
Mine adress is

Hi Lukas,
I have sent screenshots to Alex of you company.

Today i asked a Genius at the Apple Store to help me. He is a DJ too and uses Tracktor on his IPad. We tried everything (other audio splitter, settings, new download of djay2 etc.) and we couldn’t find the solution. There is nothing wrong with my IPad (latest model). He downloaded djay2 on his IPad and had the same problem while Tracktor pre-listening and cueing was working perfect.

For sure he was not going to advice customers to use djay2. Very dissapointing.

Eric, Amsterdam