pre-cueing on idj pro

It wouldn’t be such an issue to a lot of people if the unit never claimed to feature full stereo ability from the beginning. It’s not a bad unit and the performance is really good for the price. The effects could also use some tweaking as we’ll, but the main gripe is the stereo because they advertised that it could do it and so far, it hasn’t delivered. I hope that they can get it worked out but I’ve seen three updates come out so far with nothing addressing this issue. It may not be a problem for most users but when I decided to record a short mix, it becomes obvious that stereo is a much needed feature of this unit.

I agree 100%! I got a him as we’ll when I called a sat on hold for a good while as well, and my impression was the same. He didn’t seem to have any in depth understanding of the problem when I asked him about it and put me on hold several times before telling me the same generic answer. When I told him that I was just gonna return it so I wouldn’t get stuck with a lemon, he started to tell me how I couldn’t return it without an RA number. He seemed to know a WHOLE LOT about Numark’s policy of trying to stick you with a product, but nothing about how to get a well know problem resolved. I told him I bought it from Best Buy and didn’t need an RA number but since he had such a smug attitude about it I would just return it anyway.

At this point I feel very good about that decision…

Product demo video (not the one by Freeze).

I have bought the iDJ Pro and was really excited to get into mixing with my iPad only to find out about the iDJ Live horror story(to some it is) and then to have problems with the brand new unit. The problem I am having is the interface is supposed to change when you plug in your iPad but for me and others it doesn’t always work right away, it takes plugging the ipad in and out several several times before you can get the Numark interface up. But when i do get it up the thing is great. I’ve put down some dirty mini-mixes with it and have yet to unlock it’s full potential. I’m checking daily for an update and think iOS 6 is to blame. As for the dual stereo out that supposedly was addressed with djay’s most recent update(1.6) well…I was mixing with pre-cue on and the sound was great in the headphones,BUT, I noticed the left track sounded terrible compared to the right track. Then I thought, “I may not be getting stereo on my left track( track one, loaded to deck one on the left is what i mean)” so I turned pre-cue off or split cue off(whatever it’s called) and the problem went away. So i wish i just bought a Midi-Fighter 3D or waited for this Ableton Push controller that is coming out and worked my way up to some serious platters as I have heard some DJ’s consider iDJ Pro a “TOY”…just sayin.

Agree with your comment William.

I waited on the phone with Numark…well wait hold on. I was on hold for 33 minutes before I got a hold of Alex who sounded like an idiot and put me back on hold for 2 or so more minutes when all of a sudden I got a generic voice mail and no way to get a live tech. I am not holding out for Numark to actually respond.

So 33+ minutes on hold for nothing. This WHOLE problem is Numark’s problem for those wondering. Numark is not handling this problem(mono only when split pre-cue is on in settings) at all.

If you’re not sure about buying this “toy” DO NOT BUY IT. If it was $149.99(usd) at the most and did not use the word “PRO” anywhere near it’s name or marketing I still would warn others to stay away from Numark! Trust me Algoriddum has a great app and Numark USED Algoriddim’s success and brand value to promote the IDJ “PRO” and the unit or Numarks support is nowhere near “professional”.

I should have heeded the warnings that rang out: " since when does anyone consider Numark real DJ equipment?" or something to that effect.

I really was interested in one of Numarks other products I refuse to mention but I AM DONE WITH NUMARK. sorry for the long post but my numark unit has had connection problems too, but I will stay tuned for news on this firmware upgrade.

As mentioned last night… UPDATE to Algoriddim DJAY app Version 1.6.3 includes firmware update to iDJ ‘PRO’ firmware version 1.2.1. THE iDJPRO is now live with STEREO while PRE-QUE is on (main output channels 1-2;pre cue channels 3-4)

Works. Update App, set up as usual. An “update firmware” confirm appears. Check firmware version in iPad settings>general>about>iDJ PRO.

  • add beats

  • set cues

  • drop bass

scratch as necessary.

…now I can open for Mat Zo :slight_smile:

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Any news on a desperately needed firmware update. Have just bought this (pro) unit and can’t even do a recorded set in the normal everyday stereo way!! The rest of the unit rocks and I hope that this one mono issue gets sorted soon.

I bought my iDJ pro recently and i read somewhere that there might be a firmware update necessary.

So i wonder if i have the latest Version:

Firmware Revision : 1.0.8
Hardware Revision : 1.0.0

You can find it in your iPad under
Settings -> General -> About -> iDJ Pro

What is your version?

Only if the iDJ Pro is plugged in.
Regarding Warren the iDJ Pro needs to have a firmware upgrade to make it work in the future:…

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I enjoy my iDj pro so far even with mono, but i will chime in LOUD if the promised update will not come in around 2 month time.

I have written 2 emails to Numark 2 Weeks ago, i didnt get an answer … and yes, if you want to go full PRO you get Traktor on a Laptop and a quality Controller.

I agree, and i expected stereo when i bought it, but i checked that it was never promised anywhere. Its bad anyways because you would believe that a product that has 2x ballanced XLR does in fact have stereo… so if you have prove anywhere that stereo was promised i would really like to see it!!! It is a destinct difference expecting stereo and not getting it or beeing told to get stereo and not getting it.

This is a cutting edge product that has never been done before and if Warren (official Rep) says we get Stereo in the near future than we will get it (or start a internet shitstorm, but its too early for that 2 month into the product lifespan!)

iOS 6 only, which excludes the iPad1 (life is hard!)

iOS 6 sucks by the way, except for the dual stereo…

I’ve just ordered my iDJ Pro and New iPad, and will get DJay as soon as everything’s in.

I have confidence that you guys can come up with a solution. iOS 6, as far as I understand, has provided an opportunity for a workaround. I hope you -together with Newmark- can answer the call. Though I’m sure it’s all quite complicated.

Until then, lots of venues are set up in mono anyway.


Yes, it is. However, you need an 8 to 30 pin adapter; which, once hooked up, doesn’t allow enough room for the lid/door at the top of the iDj Pro to close. While this doesn’t seem to affect performance, it’s not so nice on the eyes.

I hope they are.

I think the easiest thing to do would be to supply a replacement lid/door that would accommodate the extra cable.

There were Numark employees telling perspective buyers that everything would fit nice and tidy.

is the iDj Pro compatible with the new iPad 4th Gen?

Humm I see, yea it would be annoying to see the gap. So are you guys working on a unit exclusive for iPad 4?