Pre-cueing slows down and sound crackles


J’utilise le logiciel Djay pro depuis 6 mois environ.
J’ai un problème sur la préécoute.
Au bout d’une heure d’utilisation la précoute rame, le son grésille.
Le problème peu disparaitre comme par magie ou après un redémarrage logiciel.

Est ce que quelqu’un a déjà eu ce problème ?
Si oui comment le résoudre ?

Merci à tous !

Hi @Cedric2, in the future please translate your posts to English. Thanks


Good morning,

I have been using the Djay pro software for around 6 months.
I have a problem with previewing.
After an hour of use, the monitoring slows down and the sound crackles.
The problem can disappear like magic or after a software restart.

Has anyone ever had this problem?
If yes how to solve it?

Thanks everyone!

Hi @Cedric2, when creating new topics, please do not forget to answer the questions in our template with specific details about your setup not just “iPad” or “Latest Version”. This helps all of our community moderators to provide the most effective support to users with the utmost efficiency. Thanks!

Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1):
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3):
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready):

Hello! It’s been a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!

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