Problem Opening djay on my Mac.

When I signed in with my Apple ID and password a message box appeared saying that an unexpected error occurred and my computer could not be verified. I know I was using the correct ID and password, but I updated my account settings anyway, hoping that would solve the problem, but, alas, I still received the same error message.

Hi guys,

thank you very much for your posts. Could you send us a screenshot of the displayed error, thank you in advance.

Lukas E.

Hi brad,

sorry to hear that.
Was the new computer added to your Apple Id’s device list correctly?

Tim 1 day ago
Problem Opening djay on my Mac.

When I signed in with my Apple ID and password a message box appeared saying that an unexpected error occurred and my computer could not be verified. I know I was using the correct ID and password, but I updated my account settings anyway, hoping that would solve the problem, but, alas, I still received the same error message.what can i do becouse i buy already…

I have the same problem. I’ve moved to a new computer, and my programs have been loaded with the same Apple ID, but the program won’t start – a message appears that says “Apple needs to verify djay pro 2”, and then it simply doesn’t start.