Problem with iDJ Pro

Hello there,

I’m currently experiencing an issue here whereby soon after when I play a song on my iDJ Pro, a looping noise is heard. On the display, the turntable slowed down dramatically and rotates much more slowly. The noise sounds as if you amplify a track and clipping it at the same time.

Regardless of the songs I played, the same dilemma arises. Is this a hardware problem or a software problem? I’ve been actively using the product for almost a year now and this is the first time, I’m encountering such matter.

I would appreciate if you could shed some light on how to resolve this problem.



Sorry to hear that.

  • Which iOS version is installed on your iPad?
  • Which djay version do you have?
  • What’s the firmware version of your iDJ Pro? You can find out in the Settings app > General > About > IDJ PRO.

Please try updating to iOS 7.1.1 and see if that helps.

Hi Warren,

iOS version: 7.0.6
djay version: 2.2.2
Firmware version of iDJ Pro: 1.3.9

I tried to uninstall the app from my iPad and then installing back in. It was a fruitless solution. When I detached the iPad from the iDJ Pro and play with the djay app itself, everything runs smoothly without a single glitch, which may indicates a problem with the iDJ Pro itself.

Nonetheless, do you have an idea on how to correct this problem?

Hi Warren,

iOS version: 7.0.6
djay version: 2.2.2
Firmware version of iDJ Pro: 1.3.9

I tried to uninstall the app from my iPad and then installing back in. It was a fruitless solution. When I detached the iPad from the iDJ Pro and play with the djay app itself, everything runs smoothly without a single glitch, which may indicates a problem with the iDJ Pro itself.

Nonetheless, do you have an idea on how to correct this problem?

Hi Warren, upon installing the latest version of iOS, everything seems to return to normal. However, in the event the matter arises again, I’ll keep you posted here.

Thanks for your assistance. Really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Hi guys, i was facing all kind of problems listed here!! But the worst was the stop of the song after trying some scratch!
So i did two things that solved the problem:
The first thing to do is turn on the idj, open the djay app and wait a couple minutes until all get in sync.
the second was related with the power outlet! I decided to use power stabilizer, due to the problems related here!
Now everything is working fine!! A friend did the same and everything is working for him too!
So i think that this problem is fixed doing this!