Problem with Saved Loops and Bounce Loops

  • Device model : Macbook Pro A1394 mi 2014
  • Version of operating system : macOS Big Sur 11.7.10
  • Version of djay : 5.1.3
  • Hardware/controllers used Pioneer DDJ-400, Akai mpd26

Hello, i’ve a problem with bounce loops and pre recorded auto loops. Using bounce loop means using loops with slip mode and when i use it erase my pre recorded auto loop. For example i’ve set in advance a loop of 16 at the end of a track but i want to use bounce loops during the track, i can’t because it will make disappear my pre recorded auto loop of 16 which has to trigger at the end of the track. With the previous version this was working fine, also i try to use only with my controller and with my controlller and akai mapped and nothing changes

Hi @djchoub, Can you please try to capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

Thanks for the quick answer, yes sure there it is : Dropbox - Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-04-15 à - Simplify your life

Hi @djchoub, thanks for the video. I’m not sure that I 100% understand your issue here. However, if you are using a Saved Loop near the end of the track instead of a temporary loop, you can press the Reloop icon on the right side of the saved loop slot to re-engage this loop after using the Bounce Loops and before you reach this part in the song. See screenshot below.

Oh yes i see effectively i can do that, thanks for the tips. I remember in the previous versions i was able to use bounce loops even in the saved loop itself without de-engaged it, don’t know why it’s not okey anymore. Anyway thank you very much :pray:

You’re welcome. I’m not sure if the functionality has changed, but I’ll forward this to the engineering team to see what they have to say.

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Hi again @djchoub, I spoke with the engineering team and they say this will be addressed in an upcoming djay update. Thanks!

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Thank you very much, looking forward the update : )

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You’re welcome @djchoub

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Hi @djchoub, djay 5.1.5 just released and should address your looping issue.

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Waou this is a crazy quick effective response the problem, awesome thanks so much

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You’re welcome @djchoub. Thanks for the positive feedback!

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