Problem with wi-fi hotspot for tidal my ipad and djay freeze again

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  • Device model (ipad 9 gen):
  • Version of operating system (latest):
  • Version of djay (latest):
  • Hardware/controllers used (rane one):

Summary of the issue:

in the last two/three month during set had some crashes. I fugure out will be when I had my ipad connect by hotspot to my iphone for using tidal.
yesterday for example. during set i had connect my ipad, after that i set my user and psw in djay for connect tidal when tidal start ipad freeze for a second and disconnect Rane one. Luckyly for only that second after that start well again.
But in past I had an issue and djay close by itself and clear music stop…

This issue seems not be present when i play not connect to wi fi or hotspot. Sure bluethoot is off and in that case also wi fi is off.

Please help me because now I’m really scared…


How to reproduce the issue:

Hi @carletto_dj,

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing this unexpected behavior from djay as of late.

So that we can better assist you could you please follow the steps below so that our teams can retrieve your djay user ID in which we can take a look at these crashes?

  1. Open djay.
  2. Tap on the djay dashboard button.
  3. Navigate to the settings menu.
  4. Tap on “Contact Support”
  5. In the Mail pop-up, write “Problem with wi-fi - carletto_dj - ATTN: NATHANIEL” and send us the email.


hi buddy. like you said, i’ll done.


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Hi @carletto_dj,

Thanks for sending that email over!

We’ve retrieved your device details and have shared them with our engineering team for further review.

In the meantime, could you please update to djay v5.2.1 to see if it alleviates this issue for you?


HI Buddy, update this evening I’ll try to test


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Hi dear,

I had noticed last night this thing. On my ipad IOS 9 gen, after latest djay release a neural command when you hit 100% to 0% has a little delay to work, when you had controller plug(native rane one and reloop elite). You can hear and also view on the screen wave.

On my win pc djay pro has the same delay, but when i had low down to 80% neural quality all back perfect without delay.

My idea is that this new neural 2.0 is too big for work at 100% to ipad 9 gen, so this can cause all my freeze and issue, I use a lot neural function during my set.

Hope this helps

HI @NathanielAlgo

yesterday with my new win pc ( i7 13° gen-32 gb ram, 1tb ssd) i test a neural against cpu used.

the results is with 100% neural set cpu charge arrive until 98%… is really too high…
with 80 % neural set cpu charge arriva at max 26 %…

So My suspect will be neural of new 5.2 djay on ipad 9 gen not M1… set only at 100% the most cause of all issue…

could be great insert in a new realise a setting choose for neural also in ios app

Hi @carletto_dj,

Thank you for your continued feedback; it has been very helpful!

Our team is still looking into this and was thankfully able to reproduce this freezing issue you encountered.

As soon as we have a fix/update, I will add to this thread.


hi @NathanielAlgo

i know u had a lot of work but I need some updates. I m a pro dj and I need djay pro for my work. I had try to solve in meanwhile with my win pc but seems not be so develop again in win.
I had find some issue like search in plist sorted by bpm … and other little thing, like a delay issue when i use neural at 100%.

SO please if there are limitation of hardware with this new release pls apdate so i can sell my 9 gen ipad and buy a new m2 or m4…



Hi @carletto_dj,

We received an update from our engineering team regarding your inquiry.

Could you send us your djay Media Library file in order for us to further investage the issue you are experiencing? I will list the steps below.

  1. Open the Files app on iOS.
  2. Navigate to On My iPad.
  3. Navigate to the djay folder.
  4. Navigate to the User Data folder.
  5. Share the djay Media Library file with us via the email below with the following subject line.

Email -


sent mail with db like request



Hi @carletto_dj,

Thanks so much!

We greatly appreciate it.


Hi @carletto_dj,

We do not have any updates at this time, but I can confirm that our teams are still investigating this issue.

Please allow us a bit longer to continue our examination.

Your patience is greatly appreciated!