problema con dj pro ai e tablet android

volevo aiuto per utilizzo della app che in modalità landascape(orrizzontale)sfarfalla e non fa utilizzare le funzioni.

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Purtroppo anche se djay funziona con android, funziona molto meglio con IOS/iPad

eh il bello che andava, in teoria programmare con android è piu’ semplice che con ios, 60 euro all’anno per la app vale la pena ci mettano le mani!

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Yeah but Android isn’t renowned in the audio and visual space.

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Ti capisco pero questo App e stata sempre disegnato per funzionare con Apple IOS, E lavora quasi perfetta,
Per quello che costa un iPad usata questi giorni, potrei provarlo e vedrai che 60euro son buon spesi.

I know, I’m a bit confused as to why Djay would even bother half supporting Android intergration, it’s either complete or it’s not, besides it’s not like iPads are a millionaires toy these days,

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When it was djay 2 it worked well across both platforms but now djay pro AI and with Djay Pro 5, Android is getting left way behind. Way too much architecture stuff to do to meet all android requirements. Too much to go wrong. Be a buggy laggy fest nightmare :joy:

Oh I didn’t know that about Djay 2, I only ever used Djay 2 with an iPad with my old Numark idj Pro controller.

I had beatpad that worked quite well with djay 2 years ago on Android. Pro came out 2016? And android has been playing catch up ever since. I think any semi/serious dj has to really get on iOS if they want to get the best out of Djay pro. Android will never be close, iOS will always be steps ahead. Like you say a doesn’t iPad doesn’t cost the earth nowadays.