problems with new version

i purchased the new version of djay for my mac and when i start it up i still get the old version.

Hi Buck,

Where did you purchase the new version? If you purchased djay in the Mac App Store then please try the following:

  • search for “djay” via Spotlight (in the top right corner of your Desktop)
  • delete all djay apps you can find
  • empty the trash
  • open “App Store” from the  menu
  • go to “Purchases” and download the djay app

Awesome, thanks for letting me know.

Hello Warren,

I couldn’t drag and drop the app files into the trash from the spotlight search. So i dragged the flies to my desk top and then into the trash. Which I think didn’t work because the flies are still in the spotlight when i did another search…Also, when i opened the app store and went into purchases it said that the app was already installed.

Thanks for your help,

Hey Warren,

I got it figured out(new mac user). Out with the old in with the new.

Thanks for your help,