Rane Four 4 - How to use it as MIDI? How to Use Pad Instant FX?

Hi guys,
Just got the RANE FOUR after the announcment and was very excited.
Saved up a lot of money for it and its a beautiful beast.


  1. Coulndt find a way to access and control the instart/pad FX of the software, which is crucial to me and my preformance. Anyway to do that?
  2. In Serato, there is an option to “double tap” the pas menu buttons to enter the “shift state” - instead of pressing shift and then the button o enter the alterantive menu of the pads. any way to do that here?
  3. Stem Split doesnt reset, heard there was an update coming.
  4. Connected the conteroller to to my computer and it automatticaly enters “External Mixer” - is there any way to work that internally? meaning the faders of the Four can be used as midi controllers for the software ones? do i have to work with that as manual?

Also if thats the case and i’m recording from the software - any effects i do from the mixer wont be recorded - wont they? because its external?

Very confused with those things, hopefull to get answers!

In most cases, when the configuration is “external mixer” then it can not be changed to internal mixer as the routing of the audio interface is fixed. The audio interface feeds each mixer channel directly. Internal mixing uses one stereo channel for cue and another for master.


Hi @Alon_Sharir1, I don’t have access to a RANE Four to check myself so I’ve forwarded this to the engineering team for review. Regarding #4, the RANE Four only works in External Mixer mode.

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Hi @Alon_Sharir1,

  1. Instant FX are not mapped by default to the RANE Four. However, you can map these yourself using the MIDI Learn tool in djay to the empty “Scratch Bank” pad mode. Here’s a guide to MIDI Mapping on iOS: https://help.algoriddim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016055199-How-do-I-MIDI-map-a-controller-on-djay-for-iOS
  2. This is currently not supported.
  3. Please update djay to 5.2.1 to fix this issue.
  4. The RANE Four needs to be used in External Mixer Mode. You can still record including all effects because the controller sends the mixed signal back to djay for recording. Just record in djay as you normally would.

hi @Slak_Jaw , you have no idea how much i appriciate your answer!
Thanks for replaying. for things to come from me soon, great suggestions for the future.

You’re welcome @Alon_Sharir1. Happy to help!