RANE Performer Jog Screen Issue

Rane Performer Jog Display Keep getting stuck

Hi @1103, I moved this to its own topic so we can properly troubleshoot and track this issue.

Please provide the complete details about your setup:

Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1):
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3):
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready):
Hardware Firmware Version:

Can you please also try to capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

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Hello! It’s been almost a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!

Figure it out I was trying to midi map button while I was playing music

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Suggesstion for rane performer can we get mapping for combination of the performance pad like CUE and Stem like how Serato has when you push both button at the same time.


Thanks for the follow up. Glad you figured it out.