RANE Seventy mapping ideas and problems


Hi all! Ive checked current version of native mapping and still this version is far from ideal. Ive mapped some functions, but I can handle only with 2 modes (double tap on ROLL & TRANSPORT which are yellow by default) so I mapped upper row of Roll for beat jump(skip) in serato style (1 and 4 are red and dedicated to skip backward/forward, 2 and 3 for skip size coloured yellow, and bottom row for 1/4,1/2 roll and hot cue1, hot cue 2. and on second layer of transport i mapped transport mode, that is copy of serato transport mode on this mixer coloured same way, but instead of key lock i’ve mapped slip

but first problem: when i switch to one ow this modes all pads are yellow. until i tap the pad and then it changes to colour that I’ve mapped.
2nd problem I’ve tried to map parameter arrows buttons to instrumental/acapella in hot cue mode, but it doesnt works properly, and when ive tried to map other modes ive realized that if i change functions of for example 1st layer of roll and switch to hot cue, the hot cues also activate functions that ive mapped to roll mode. and when i switch off mixer and turned on the only mapping that was saved was on YELLOW modes. If i understood it correctly I can only midi map this 2 yellow midi modes.

I ask ALGORIDDIM TEAM to release real good quality mapping that will be as good as seratol at least.

i really like your product and wish you become a most popular software. please put attention to mapping quality.
RANE Seventy VIIIAIN Edit 3.djayMidiMapping (220.8 KB)

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HI @bluntlistyev, welcome to the community. I have upgraded your community status so you should now be able to share your MIDI Mapping. I will also share this with our engineering team to see if they have any suggestions. Thanks!

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HI @Slak_Jaw Thank you. I’ve edited post and attached mapping.
also I’ve created a support ticket

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You’re welcome @bluntlistyev

Hi again @bluntlistyev, I spoke with engineering and the RANE Seventy relies on modifiers, which makes customizing the mappings as in depth as the you want rather difficult. However, they are going to look into addressing the pad mode colors and adding transport and beat jump on the “free” pad modes in an upcoming djay release. I’ll report back here when I have more news. Thanks!