re-analyzing tracks between devices?

Hi there. I’m setting up djay to a new ipad, previously just using my iphone. I’m noticing the same tracks in playlists I’m loading in need to be re-analyzed from scratch. Is this data that’s supposed to be backed up along with cue points etc? or is this just the norm? Thanks

Hi @jdb325, did you copy the djaymedialibrary file from you iPhone over to your iPad? This database contains all of your save hot cues, loops and My Collection playlists.


No I didn’t even think of that. I just figured this was all stored in my icloud since my cue points are transferring over just fine. I’ll do that. Thank you.

So just to confirm, if I get a new iPad tomorrow and make a complete back up on iTunes of my existing iPad and then set up the new iPad using that backup, everything including all beat grids and hot cues will be saved?

Could I go one step further to ask if I swap my iPad from my Rane One to my Reloop Buddy, will all the Beatgrids and Hot cues be the same?

You’re welcome @jdb325. It will likely still need to re-analyze your songs when first loading, but this will ensure that any of your playlists in My Collection are transferred over.

@maurizio_T I’m not 100% sure about the beatgrids, but yes your hot cues and saved loops will be transferred over. Also, it doesn’t matter what hardware is connected.

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Also, it’s a good idea to manually backup your djaymedialibrary to a cloud or external storage. This article shows where to find this database:

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Thanks Slak,
I think from memory the Beatgrids had to be adjusted,
I’m currently slowly going through my complete library and at least 90% of the Beatgrids require re adjusting since Version 5 update, which I can see why as Djay is now anylizing my complete library and adjusting the beatgrids to suit the new static bpm,
Although it’s a slow process, I’m actually culling some of my library and also gives me a chance to properly beatgrid the tracks that had previously not been able to beatgrid properly…

You’re welcome. Yeah the beatgrid system in 5.x is not compatible with the previous versions of djay Pro so it must reanalyze all tracks again. It cannot use old beatgrid data.

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“I just figured this was all stored in my icloud since my cue points are transferring over just fine.”
A solution to this issue had been requested for years now and non of us users has ever had a explanation why it is so hard to implement since Djay already has access to iCloud for cue-points storage. Why not store ALL the things. Please for once explain…

Please don’t flag as off-topic. It surely is on-topic

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