Relative Tempo Slider Option

In Serato, I can use relative tempo sliders — meaning the tempo sliders on my controller don’t map to exact values, but rather whatever position the slider is in on the track loading becomes the zero point (track’s native BPM). This allows more seamless blending of tempos than I’ve been able to accomplish in Djay, whether “pickup mode” is on or off with my existing controller?

Is this relative tempo slider mode possible in Djay?

Hi @chuckles, this is not currently possible with djay.

May I suggest it as a feature?

Hi @chuckles, I’ve changed this topic from a Question to a Suggestion and have shared this with the devs. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of the page to show your interest in having this feature implemented. Thanks!

Can we fix the sync BPM issue? Right now, I have to move the sliders to match the screen before I can adjust the tempo, which is really annoying. Can we turn that feature off so I can adjust the tempo freely, regardless of where the sliders are?

Hi @Owe_Marley, can you please provide more details on your suggestion here so that I clearly understand it? It sounds like you want to disable tempo “soft-takeover” and have a relative/absolute tempo fader optional setting. Perhaps you can capture a short video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

Yeah, exactly! Ideally, the tempo should adjust no matter where the fader is on the CDJ. Right now, the software might show +5%, but since I instant doubled the track, the CDJ could still be at -10%. This setup doesn’t affect playback, but it’s frustrating because I have to manually reset the fader just to make adjustments. If the tempo could automatically align without disrupting playback, it would give me more headroom to speed up tracks and create my own transitions. Hope that makes sense—I’ll try to record a video while I’m out spinning tonight to show what I mean.

Okay that’s what I thought. Thanks for confirming @Owe_Marley. I’ve merged your new topic with this existing suggestion. Please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page to show your support for adding this feature to djay. Thanks!