Relink missing files shows files that are still linked

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  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen): MacBook Pro 2023 M4 Max
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1): 14.5 (23F79)
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2): 5.2
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Mixon 8 Pro): N/A

Summary of the issue: The library managment feature “Relink missing files in my collection” shows files that are actually still linked. Meaning the songs that apparently are not exisiting in my library right now are part of the list of “unlinked” tracks.

The problem is that if the feature shows both songs that are still in the library and those that are not because they are “unlinked” I could loose actually tracks if I select all for deletion assuming they are not exisiting in my library anymore.

Anybody with similar issues?

How to reproduce the issue: Not easy to say :man_shrugging:

Hi @trebbis, thanks for sharing the details about your setup and the issue. Can you please share some screenshots of the issue as well? Thanks!

Hi again @trebbis, I spoke with engineering and they are requesting some follow up information:

The file re-linker takes all the tracks from My Collection that should have a local file and checks them, so in theory there should be a related track in My Collection -> Music .
If this is not the case then can the user send the djaymedialibrary database file and some example tracks/file names that do not match?

Please refer to the linked article below regarding the djaymedialibrary:

Of course I can!

Its a bit tricky to get right with screenshots. I think its easier if I take a video recording. Until i figuer our how to provide you with this here some screenshots.

For explenation: You can see in Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 23.03.35 that the track The Pharcyde - Bullshit (TV Track) is listed as a song under the missing file feature.

So far so good. Without doing anything but closing the “Relink” Feature you can see that in Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 23.04.00 the same track is part of one of my playlists and I can also play the song without a problem.

In Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 23.04.48 you can see I am also easily able to locate the file.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the additional info @trebbis. To share videos and your djaymedialibrary please upload them to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the files here. Thanks!

Thanks! Here the link to a video recording: Screen Recording 2024-07-18 at - Google Drive

Thanks for the video @trebbis. This is very helpful. As requested, please also share your djaymedialibrary. If you prefer, you can send it to me in a DM. Thanks!

Not sure but I think I DMed you just now with the links to my library.

Got it! Thanks @trebbis

Hi again @trebbis, I spoke with engineering and they have a follow up question:

  1. Are you using the My Files source and if so is your iCloud drive folder or the child “Media Libraries” folder configured in it?
  2. The file The Pharcyde - Bullshit (TV Track).mp3 item seems to have a couple of saved paths which djay could fallback to if the URL bookmark reference is invalid, so just trying to work out why djay still has access to the file.

Hey @Slak_Jaw thanks for coming back to me! About your questions.

  1. Yes the file The Pharcyde - Bullshit (TV Track).mp3 was imported from My Files after previously adding the folder in which the file is stored to the My Files area. The root folder in which the folder is stored is stored in my iCloud Drive. I had to do it this way becasue otheriwise everytime I reopened the djay application the file was file connection was lost and I had to reimport the track. Also YES the folder “Media Libraries” is part of my folder structure, the full path is the following: /Users/myname/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Media Libraries/Show Versions Library/The Pharcyde

  2. Not sure how you found out about it. The only thing I can say is that the file only exisits in that one location as mentioned above. I don’t find any doublicate file under the fist path you posted: file:///var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Media%20Libraries/Show%20Versions%20Library/The%20Pharcyde/The%20Pharcyde%20-%20Bullshit%20(TV%20Track).mp3

Let me know if I can assisit you further. to find out why this is happening and how it can be fixed.

P.S.: @Slak_Jaw can you please erase my real name from the second path you posted.

You’re welcome. Thanks for the additional info @trebbis. I deleted the entire paths from the previous post. Sorry about that.

Hi @trebbis, I spoke with engineering and they believe they have identified the issue and are working on a fix. In the meantime, they are offering the following workaround:

  1. Remove the relevant linked folder from My Files.
  2. Restart djay.
  3. On next launch these files should now appear greyed out, and then the relinker should start working as expected i.e. allow you to update the bookmark reference in the database.
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Hey @Slak_Jaw thanks for bringing this to engineering team. Lets see if they can fix this issue.

Your propsoed woraround doesnt really help me though. I need the tracks to stay available in my library if they are greyed out I can not play them anymore correct?

So if I understand your proposal correctly the issue of having the tracks in the "Missing Files Feature"might get solved but I would like to be able to keep the tracks in my library so I can actually use them.