Reloop Mixon 8 Browse button unable to select track following latest Djay update.

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  • Device model 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen
  • Version of operating system iPad OS 17.5.1:
  • Version of djay 5.2.1
  • Hardware/controllers used . Reloop Mixon 8 Pro

Pressing the Enter / browse button brings up Library, but unable to scroll through playlists and select track.

Hi @Ratty73, can you please try to capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

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Thanks for the video @Ratty73. This is very helpful.

  1. Was the browse knob working prior to djay 5.2.1?
  2. Are you using the Built-in MIDI mapping for the Mixon 8 or a customized version?
  3. Are all of the other hardware controls working normally?
  4. Are you using the latest firmware from Reloop?
  5. Can you please try disconnecting all cables and adapters from your iPad, close djay and perform a Forced Restart of your iPad: Force restart iPad - Apple Support

Hi Slack

  1. Was the browse knob working prior to djay 5.2.1?

  2. Are you using the Built-in MIDI mapping for the Mixon 8 or a customized version? Yes built in

  3. Are all of the other hardware controls working normally? Yes

  4. Are you using the latest firmware from Reloop? Yes

  5. Can you please try disconnecting all cables and adapters from your iPad, close djay and perform a Forced Restart of your iPad: Force restart iPad - Apple Support-done

Browser still unresponsive when trying to select tracks.

Can you look and see what the browse knob is mapped too? It might not be mapped at all weirdly to that command.

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Thanks for the additional details @Ratty73. I’ve passed this onto engineering to see if they can reproduce this. I’ll report back when I have news.

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Problem sorted, the mapping had moved to a Reloop edit and not in built. Due to my lack of knowledge on mapping I’ve never tried it only looked into it and have two edits ? Can I delete these? Or are these edits done via Djay updates or the user?

Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated
Djay Pro rocks !

Edits are done by the user. You will have Mixon 8 built in mapping, which will always be there and the edits, which are user mappings which can be saved, on hard drive, iOS devices or deleted altogether. When you delete them just don’t press save or it will make another edit. If you click on mapping you will see edit option to rename or delete.


Thanks for the follow up @Ratty73. Glad you sorted it out.

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