Reloop Mixtour Pro headphone issue

I bought a brand-new Reloop Mixtour Pro. Connected it to Mac Laptop (Mack Pro M1 chip). Everything works fine together with the latest version of the dJay App for Mac. Except CUEing. I cannot hear the cued tracks in the headset. Let’s dig into the details:

  • Device model*: MacBook Pro 14" (2012) - M1 chip
  • Version of operating system *: latest Mac Sequoia 15.1.1
  • Version of djay *: latest dDay Pro for Mac (5.2.8)
  • Hardware/controllers used *: Reloop Mixtour Pro with latest firmware.


I can steer everything in the dJay software from my hardware controller. MIDI connection works. I can also hear the sound of the main output of the Mixtour pro.

But when I press a CUE button while that track is playing, then I cannot hear anything in the headset. … to be precise, when I turn up the CUE VOL to 100% then I can hear a tiny quiet little bit of the track.

I did already check:

  • that the CUE-MAIN rotary is at the left/8 o’clock position / 100% “listen to cue”
  • both tracks are playing
  • I can hear them on the main output in normal gain.
  • All EQs are at 12 o’clock
  • All Neural mix are at 12 o’clock (and yes I checked this dozens of times. At the hardware controller and the software. Because this would have been guess. See this thread )
  • Mixer mode is set to INTERNAL (as the doc says, although that does not make much sense, because the Mixtour pro has a sound card on the mixer. Not the internal one of the laptop). But setting it to EXTERNAL also doesn’t work

An I also tested:

  • power the Mixtour Pro from the laptop
  • power the Mixtour Pro form strong power outlet
  • checked different USB-C cables
  • I also connected the mixture pro to my iPhone. Same issue. Everything works. Except CUE on headphone
  • of course checked multiple headsets (also smaller ones that do not need much power to become loud.)
  • power on Mictour Pro first, then connect, then start the app (or in ANY other order, I checked all of them)

It is ALWAYS the same.

One thing might be relevant. In the settings of the dJay Software on Mac OS the reload mixture pro is shown. But only with “ch 1-2” and “ch 3-4” The Mixtour Pro is a 4 decks player!! Should’t there be another third stereo channel for precueing?

Again: I tried all combinantions of intern or external mapping and assigning channels to Main output or Pre-Cueing.

This is the setting that should work, according to the documentation. But it doesn’t. I am wondering. Shouldn’t there be two stern channels (1-2) for the two decks. Then two more for deck 3 and 4. (the Mixtour Pro has 4 decks!). And the another stereo channel for pre-cueing

Have you checked these settings?

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It does make sense, because the Mixtour Pro is a controller, not a hardware mixer. It only has outputs.

The software (internal) does the mixing, controlled by the Mixtour.

No matter how many “decks” the Mixtour controls, the mixing is done in software, so only the master output and the cue signal get sent to the Mixtour.

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Yes I also checked this. Of course this would have been the first guess. (Sorry forgot to mention this test in my loooooooooooong list of things I already tested :slight_smile:

Sorry no that’s not it. Fully turned up.

That’s what I also thought initially. But no. Specs from the Reloop Mixtour Pro:

4x Out USB sound card with 24 D/A converters.

It does have its own internal sound card.You can also see that in Mac OS settings. There it appears as an additional full blown stereo output, as any other mixer with sound card would.

Yes it’s four out. Two (L+R) for the master and the other two (L+R) for the cue. NOT four separate decks out. An audio interface with four separate outs plus cue would have TEN channels.

I did not say it doesn’t have a sound card!

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Your description above is pure imagination.

Typical DJ systems only have 2 stereo channels:

  • ch 1-2 for main output
  • ch 3-4 for headphone cueing

Each deck is routed through one of those 2 stereo channels.

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Found one thing that might help. On Mac there is also a separate App for MIDI settings. (An official part of Mac OS. Not a third party app!) That one looks very strange. There is no “Master Out R”

Ok you are right. The two stereo(!) MP3s playing through dJay are mixed internally in the Reloop Mixtour Pro’s sound card, and then the result (the main mix) is output through ch 1-2 to the RCA jack on the back. In stereo.

But still: Assigning headphone cueing to ch 3-4 does not work. Also when I turn the knob at the very bottom, the CUE-MAIN to the very right to “MAIN”,then I should hear that main output. Loud. But I do not.

One more test. Switching the Stereo/Mono hardware switch at the front of the Reloop Mixtour Pro. No difference. Always only very quiet sound via the headphone. No matter what I do. CUE on of. turn to main. Nothing. only very very faintly quiet. Can test this when turning my speakers of. And then turn CUE on one track on and off. It does appear. But very very silent / soft. No matter how load I turn CUE VOL up. On different headphone. Also smaller ones.

Set the Headphone Volume and Cue/Main Mix knobs to 50% (like in the photo), do you hear anything?

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The other thread from January I linked in the OP says “using Crossfader FX with Neural Mix funcitonality. If that is enabled, you can not cue the decks.” => I also check every combination of that. Neural Mix on of completely, Neural mix with first option: “Fade” or second option “Filter”. => No difference. Always (nearly) no CUE output.

Thank you for this tip. That’s of course obvious.

@doogie, perhaps you’ve accidentally created an aggregate audio device in macOS and are sending the pre-cue somewhere else?

EDIT: Maybe check the headphone socket on the Mixtour as well to make sure there nothing in there obstructing things.

Thank you very much for this great idea. Yes there was an aggregated device. (Recordbox seems to create one by default.) => DELETED it. Still no difference.

Yes I did check different cables & different headphones.

Yes meanwhile I do assume it is a hardware issue with the headphone jack on my Reloop Mixtour Pro. Ok, will send it back and report here …

I was just guessing at first that this was a software (combination between Reloop Mixtour Pro and dJay) Problem, because there were similar posts.

You’re welcome @doogie. Before you send it back, try disconnecting everything, rebooting your laptop. Then hook it all up again, confirm there is no aggregate audio device running, then navigate to the Audio Devices Settings and press the Reset to Defaults at the bottom.

Did exactly that multiple times. As I said. Also in different order. Start dJay software first and then connect. Or the other way round. Power via USB-C or power via laptop. No difference.

The screen on MacOS on a Laptop looks a bit different. See screenshot above. But also reset doesn’t help.

Okay, sounds like a hardware issue to me then. Please report back on how things turn out with the return and retesting. Thanks!

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As a test, try swapping over the assignments - so cue to 1+2 and master to 3+4 to see if you get the cue signal playing from the master out, or anything from 3+4