Remove deleted songs completely from Library and hard drive in one step

Please give DJay Pro the ability to completely remove deleted songs from the library. After deleting a song from a playlist and also deleting it from the hard drive, it disappears from the playlist but remains in the library and search results only ‘Greyed Out’. I obviously can’t play it after that, so it has no use being in the library. After some time and many deleted songs it makes for a very cluttered library. If I manually look for the song in the main library (this takes ages as using the search box doesn’t locate the track in the library), I can then delete it completely.

While I’m at it, coming from Serato, it has the ability to completely remove a song from the entire library, search results AND hard drive in one step from within Serato. Command + Shift + Backspace does the trick. The same keys delete a song from DJay playlist, but please make this function do the same i.e.delete it from the entire library AND hard drive. It would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the suggestion @DJRedwood. I have already forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.

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