Reset of Neuralmix EQ (Mid) don't set to Zero


i mapped Reset low/mid/high EQ to one Button. Also i want to reset Neural EQ if i push the Button. In the Interface it Resets all Buttons, but the Volume of Harmonie (Mid EQ) is not set to 0 - it is a bit to low. If i turn the knob, it will go to Volume Level 0.

Hi @djsepp,

  1. First of all, please note that there is a difference between Neural Mix EQ and Neural Mix Volume. These are separate controls and NOT linked together.

  2. You need to use the Reset EQ MIDI commands AND have the UI set to Neural Mix EQ instead of regular EQ for the reset commands to work.

Hi. Thanks for Reply. Yes i know the difference and it is set like this. But, the NEQs will reset in the Interface, but only für Harm. volume is too low. Volume for Neural mix is 100%.

You’re welcome @djsepp,

  1. Please switch to a UI view like shown above where you can see both the Neural Mix Volumes and Neural Mix EQs at the same time to see if the volumes are also changing when you press your Reset button. I have a feeling there’s an issue with your MIDI Mapping.
  2. Please also try to capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Dropbox or Google Drive and share a link to it here. I want to make sure I understand the issue accurately. Thanks!

Here is a sample of the Problem: Dropbox - Bildschirmaufnahme 2024-01-03 um - Simplify your life

If you can see neural mix EQ is activated and Volume of Neural mix i not changed. If i push Reset (mapped to a midi Button) only High & Low NEQ reset.

Thanks for the video @djsepp. I think I understand what you’re talking about.

  1. From the video, it looks like the EQ knob are being properly reset to the 12 o’clock (middle) position, but the waveform is showing that the instrumental is slightly dimmer than it should be at 100% volume? Is that correct?
  2. Is this happening with Deck 1 and Deck 2?
  3. What version of djay Pro are you using and what macOS are you on?
  4. Can you please provide screens shots for each of the Rest EQ MIDI Mapping commands with the Advanced Control Configuration section expanded? I want to make sure these are all set exactly the same.
  5. I recommend that you delete the ALL of the MIDI mapping commands for the EQ Reset buttons.
  6. Next, please double check that your reset button is not accidentally mapped to any other function by pressing the button in the MIDI Learn screen and scrolling through all of the commands.
  7. Finally, please MIDI Map your button ONLY to the Mid EQ Reset and test to see if you’re still experiencing the issue. If the issue is gone, then you can add the High EQ Reset and test again. If everything still looks good, then you can add the Low EQ Reset and test again. Thanks.

Hi Slak, I have a similar question if you would know,
So I currently have a button (censor button) mapped on my Rane One to Toggle Neural Mix - EQ which works fine just that if I have it set to normal EQ and say the Mid is adjusted to -20%,
If I click on the button to switch to Toggle Neural Mix - EQ, the Mid will restore 0% regardless of the position of the dial,

Do you know if there is anyway to overcome this?
Sorry if this is a hijack of the thread, I will start my own thread if needed…

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@maurizio_T can you please try to capture a video of this so I can better understand the issue?

Thanks Slak, I have taken the two videos but can’t work out how to upload them?

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Please upload to your Dropbox or Google Drive and share a link to them here.

Hopefully this works


i mapped all again and now it works.


Great! Thanks for letting me know @djsepp

Hi @maurizio_T, thanks for the links, but you need to grant access to these files so that other people can open them.

@maurizio_T, I reread your question again. This is normal behavior when switching between Neural Mix EQs and regular EQs. The same happens when you use the onscreen controls in djay. So, there’s nothing that can be done via the MIDI Mapping. This is a limitation of using the same knobs for 2 different functions (Neural Mix EQs and EQ). The best way to avoid this would be to MIDI Map some unused knobs on your hardware for dedicated Neural Mix EQs instead of swapping back and forth.

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Thanks Slak,I thought as much.
Unfortunately there aren’t any other knobs to map.
Not a big deal, I do have pads mapped to kill the various Neural so I can work around it.

You’re welcome @maurizio_T. Yeah, it’s tough with a 2 channel controller. Usually with a 4 channel controller, I map the Deck C/D EQs as Neural Mix EQs for Deck A/B. Then I can use regular EQs and Neural Mix EQs at the same time. When I use a 2 channel controller like the Reloop Ready, I usually also connect a Midi Fighter Twister so I still have dedicated Neural Mix EQs.

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