Return Automix on 2 Decks please

Was upset!

Please return the Automix browser tab.
By isolating Automix to its own window and no longer allowing Automix to exist in the browser is a terrible idea in my opinion.
The user has to be able to babysit Automix. It simply is not able to mix correctly on its own.
There is no way to see the incoming song’s info…therefore the user cannot correct the beatgrids if they’re wrong leaving the Automix to mix incorrectly without know how to rein put proper grids. I can create a video.
Sorry, bad move

I agree. Automix worked better in 2 Decks. Not only was it more intuitive and easier to know what was going to play and when, but it was easy to select playlists to focus a mix on.

The dedicated Automix deck doesn’t let me choose a playlist even when I try to select one from the drop menu that appears from the musical note icon in the upper left of the song preview. It frustratingly has a mind of its own and carries on with a previous list after trying to select a song in another list or queue.

Also, I never trusted the Automix deck because if I’m playing a song, and then start a mix from the Automix deck, it immediately kills the currently playing song with NO transition to begin its own mix. Hate getting burned by my rig in a set!

Lastly, I looked in the manual and it still shows the Automix functionality in the 2 Deck view and doesn’t seem to address the new changes. Arg! :angry:

Agreed, need that AUTOMIX option back in DECK 2 with perhaps a default PLAYLIST option if the QUEUE becomes empty. Otherwise love the new features!

Ok, just found it, and appears to work in 2 DECKS, but it was a real search to find it:


You. An actually select another playlist by tapping on the current playlist with the CHECK mark.
But the newly chosen playlist is missing the SORT feature

Good find maxSrS!
This is killer!

I jumped the gun🥺

Sorry Algoriddim team,

On that note maxSrS,
It would be great if the user was allowed to create a DEFAULT everything for every start.
Have to keep repeating all settings after every reboot.

A-ha, thank you @maxSrS! This is considerably more intuitive than the old way which seemed wedged in an odd and mostly hidden area and had its settings scattered in different areas. It’s easier and more reliable.

Couple odd bits are:

  • Minor: the Shuffle/Repeat settings don’t stick across restarts. It’s arguably a feature and not a bug though. Otherwise, under Automix > Settings > Mix, these settings did stick which is more important.
  • Major(-ish): Can’t reproduce it but a couple times I activated the Automix feature while playing a track and it caused the currently playing track to sudden shift tempo, then correct itself. I thought first this had to do with the tempo of the next song in the Automix. Yet, I tried to select a track that had a slow tempo and then started Automix on a list with much faster tracks, but I couldn’t make the behavior happen.

Tip: SORT your playlist (like SORT by bpm) in the 2 Deck mode first.
Then tap the Automix icon, Automix will then have your list as you wish.

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