Sampler: Change recording behaviour for "Record Sample"

I have just been remapping my controller, and I was kind of baffled to see there is no option to record samples onto each sample slot directly. In effect this means, there is also no midi mapping for “Record Sample” for each slot.

The Problem:

This is really confusing as there already exists the option to map “clear sample” for each slot. Which only makes sense if you would be able to record it in the first place. Instead of having Record Sample for each slot, there is this record sequence toggle, which makes no sense for controllers. The main function of the sampler (to record samples) is thus not usable without touchscreen use and menu diving.

The Solution:

It would be so easy to implement recording sample if it was just possible to be able to record directly onto an empty sample Pad (like for example in Koala Sampler).

This would make it possible to have “Play Sample” and “Record Sample” on the same button press (same midi mapping), it would play a sample if there is one on the pad, it would record the sample if the pad is empty.

@Slak_Jaw Please change the sampler to have this functionality, it would enhance the functionality so much!

Thanks for the suggestion @axibert! Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.