I have assigned a note to the sampler as target.
When I play a key it is always playing at the same level!
Really? That must be a bug!
Velocity sensitivity is there since the 80ties, guys!
It´s only a number you have to multiply with the sampler volume!
I am not asking for proper filtering and smoothing the attack at soft velocities - even that would be not hard to code! I have done this - took me 30 minutes for my audio engine 20 years ago.
You’ll have to create a separate mapping with the “Sampler X Volume” action if you want the velocity to control the volume. If the MIDI note event also carries the volume, just right-click the “Play Sample X” mapping, select “Duplicate Mapping”, and change the action of the new mapping to control the volume.
Sorry I forgot to mention this step: select the duplicated mapping, and in the Advanced Control Options on the bottom change the control type to “Fader / Knob”. I think this should allow you to do what you want.
not at all. I can set it to “knob” which indeed lets me select the volume, but when playing, it´s eratically doing some kind of volume change with clacking sounds.
is there any developers around?
the right way to use midi keys is to take the third parameter as velocity - no need for another mapping!
Try moving the volume mapping above the other one so the volume is applied before playing the sample.
(And just because the MIDI message has a volume doesn’t mean you necessarily want your samples to be volume sensitive, that’s why you need a separate mapping. Also many DJ controllers will send the volume as a separate event from the key-down message.)
I have tried changing the order. I am now using a simple iRigMini (instead of Seaboard which is sending crazy amounts of data). But still no luck. When playing a key I sometimes get a softer sound, erratically. The volume level is only full and about half - nothing in between.
I am aware, that velocity is not always wanted. 2 simple parameters in the setup could solve it: offset + multiply.
Should I do a video?