Save&Copy&Paste Cue-Points inside DjayPro - or which App can do that?

Hi there,

testing different DJ-Apps for me one of the biggest do-not-buy for DJayPro is: all Cue- and Loop-Points are lost, if I change a file name, move a file or copy a file - so the database management is insufficient. And I am not able to copy and paste Cue points from one deck to another. I am searching for flexibility, because bureaucracy plus creativity is not a match.

The job of re-doing Cue-Points consumes far more time than actually making music and my set fancy and awesome for the crowd.
Folks, which DJ App is capable of keeping the Cue-Points plus copying them from one Deck to another Deck?

Thank you for your help!

Anyone who can share his/her experiences with other Pro-Apps regarding professional mp3/file-handling?

As has been suggested by other users (particularly @Slak_Jaw ), using iTunes/ will help here. If doing so, as far as we understand, djay identifies songs by the combination of artist and title so if these change, your cue points will be lost.

A general advice for any kind of DJ software is to never change a song‘s file name or location because all of them cause you trouble if you do so.


Appreciate your answer, djjoejoe. Will read through Slak-Jaw’s posts.

I, for example, need to be able to name and share files to keep my head clear with quickly changing sets. Producing music on my own means, that I use already special folder structure to my needs. In the future playing my own tracks means creating own STEMs and own Samples for my sets == won’t change my folder structure for this app. #musicproducing
And Friends often send me mp3’s they think are great, I fiddle around to integrate them which I then have to replace via the paid version before gigs. #quality #legal

Paid 45€ for a step backwards. #filemanagement

Traktor seems to be capable of moving your files around and not loosing Cue- and Loop-Points. A friend told me this morning. If you want to post your opinion here, I am looking forward to read your review. :slight_smile:

Hi @SirHannes,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts in our community!

As @djjoejoe graciously pointed out, a general rule of thumb is to never (or not regularly) change a track’s file name or location, which can affect how your choice of DJ software retains information about/behaves with - the track.

If you have any other thoughts or feedback regarding djay, we’d love to hear it as it will continue to provide us with a clear outlook of how djay is used by artists such as yourself.

Have a nice day!

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Hi @NathanielAlgo

my usecase on stage performing 1st gig on Friday and 2nd on Saturday. I am playing Sets only.

What is the thing?
I am using one song by Reinier Zonneveld two times. In 128bpm in Fm on Friday on place #12, starting at bar 128 with eqHigh and Low all the way down.
And in 136bpm in Dm (Transpose -6) on Saturday on #1, starting at bar 16 all EQs normal but NeuralMix Drums Out.
On stage it is dark. I want to have this information printed in my mp3. How can I solve this with DJayPro? I can’t. Workaround: copying and labelling Reinier Zonneveld 2 times:

  1. set1_ReinierZonneveld.mp3
  2. set2_ReinierZonneveld.mp3

Because only now I can have 2 sets of different Cue- and Loop-Points. Within all information about transposition, tempo and # on my setlist. But this isn’t quite modern, no? I could save this information in a Word document - but I need the information in the waveform “on the fly”. What if I change my set and ReinierZonneveld gets a different #: I copy his mp3 and rename it to set3_ReinierZonneveld.mp3. This time, luckily, I can remain on all Cue- and Loop-Points. Oh, but my renaming-process killed all information inside and I have to re-do this work again. No copy&paste. No different versions. :frowning:

As you can see, to play Sets has it’s own challenges to save information. I hope this help you to see my needs. :slight_smile:

All the best

Would it help you to name and color the cue points? This is possible inside djay. The way you describe it, you would need 2 cue points per transition - start and end. By labeling and coloring them, you would be able to keep your stuff apart between songs.

On the other hand, what you’re describing makes it seem like you could also preprogram your music ahead of time in something like Ableton Live, since you already know exactly what to do and when.

Hi @djjoejoe thank you for your interesting answer! :slight_smile: I am already using these methods.
Additionally I use them for NeuralMix information, for FX information, for Cutoff and-or EQ information, for tempo and for transposition. I use a color code. I am getting better and faster, also my sets become more and more fantastic due to use of up to 4 decks. So organization is a must.

I don’t want to become a famous cross-fade vinyl hiphop DJ. I want to tell stories.

It shocked me a bit to maybe be wrong with DJayPro and to turn over to Ableton Live so I watched some videos, Indeed, there is much more organization possible. Yet, most clubs I now do not provide a technical system for Ableton users. Mostly based on any Pioneer system they force me to at use a DJ platform at least. So this really makes me headache right now. :frowning:

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@SirHannes I’ve been doing this for well over a decade now and I’ve always brought my own gear to gigs. For the most part it’s usually not an issue. As long as there is space in the DJ booth and a spare channel on the mixer to plug into.

Personally, I think you should use the gear that makes the most sense for your workflow and style of performing. Sure it’s convenient to just show up with your headphones and a couple of USB drives and just use the club system. However, if that hinders your creativity and performance, I personally don’t think the convenience is worth it.


Returning from a DJ session who uses Traktor, this is what he told me about the differences:

  • Traktor gives you 8 Cue-Points you can directly access with your controller
  • Traktor gives you additional 8-16 (or more) unaccessible memory points. Just to help you with visual cue points while mixing your set.
  • Traktor gives you the opportunity to save all Cue- and Loop-Points within the file (mp3 tags) or withing a database.

We both were wondering, what would happen, if I must bring USB sticks to the DJ booth? Because my Cue-Points and Loop-Points then are left in the database of DjayPro in my Laptop at home. I would perform with blank mp3’s?!

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@SirHannes I suggest you look into an application like DJ Conversion Utility (DJCU), Mixo or Lexicon to convert your Cue Points and Saved Loops between different DJ softwares. This information is stored in a separate database file not within the mp3 file.

I’ve personally used DJCU to convert my Traktor database to djay, Serato, Engine DJ and Rekordbox. It works great, but I have noticed that Cue Points sometimes shift off-grid slightly in the conversion process.


Thank you for this useful information, Slak-jaw! Highly appreciated. I will look into these. :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome @SirHannes

As the Cue-Points and Loop-Points are stored within the DJayPro-Media-Library, I guess, these softwares aren’t useful so much to build up and share Cue-Points and so on - or do I miss a point? Importing set1_ReinierZonneveld.mp3 into MIXO shows me an empty Cue-Points-list.

Without mixing against another track inside a DJ app, I can’t decide which Cue-Points or Loop-Points do fit due to all these mixing possibilities inside DJayPro-App (and others). So the way around, setting Cues inside MIXO for example, isn’t useful to me at all. Again: do I miss a points? :slight_smile:

I would need a software which imports the DJayPro library. I am not sure if a CSV stores the same data? Then I could export CSV out of DJaypro and import it into MIXO. – This all should not be there, should be included in the DJ-app itself, I wished…

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