Save location of selected item in library / playlist

When i select a song to play and then switch to another playlist and then go back to the playlist where i elected a song, that selection has been reset. I would love it if selections are saved so that i dont have to browse and search again for the song that had been selected. So that when i switch between playlists there is a saved selection which shows up, the position of the view of the playlist is anchored to that selected item. Also, when i have selected and start playing a song i would like there to be a simple way to go to that song in the playlist or music library. Like, a right click on the player and choose “select song” or something like that. In the best of worlds i never have to scroll to find what’s playing or to find what i had just selected. Thanks!


Hi @Johan_Rosenberg,

Thanks for sharing your suggestion in our community!

I’ve gone ahead and passed this along to our engineering team for further review.

Have a good day!

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I am currently experiencing this issue, and discovered I am missing some of my favorite full mixes, and the track list on my local FILES folder for my predownloaded mp3s was at a total of about 250 files to chose from.

Sometimes I open the app on my iPhone 15 pro S which is where I always do, I don’t have access to Mac or windows so having to discover that I have now 400+ duplicated and unorganized tracks is confusing the heck out of me because I am still somehow missing projects I was working on and don’t know why :confused:

I spent hours today trying to find a “IPHONE FOLDER MANAGER FOLDER DUPLICATE CLEANER FILE DOWNLOAD REMOVER DELETE COPIES ETC APP” in the App Store and literally can’t find anything to actually go back and ANALYSE and reorganize my currently downloaded songs to my local file folder (I pay for iCloud+ I have plenty of space for more plus some more for future reference but can’t figure out how to quickly and efficiently remove the duplicated, get my tracks into one seamless folder either in iCloud or in the app folder locally on iPhone in utilities folder or if there actually is an app to help me do this because I thought that DJAY automatically analyzed (when I press analyze tracks) and won’t allow it to duplicate the files? It never did this until now and I’ve loved working on this so far (as I just scored some hand me down physical decks to try to really learn on by hand not just by iPhone app limited expression of mind lol)

Any help is really appreciated thank you so much!

Device: iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS version: 18:0:1
Modem firmware: 2:16:06
iPhone purchased July 2024,
App purchased August 2024

Library was in tact before I updated to 18:0:1 last week
Now everything is in other places and won’t play in the app without duplicating

Thank you!