Saving Eq Selection setting

Is it possible in a future update to save the EQ selection Setting?
Every time I start the app I have to re select the tab, I know this is first world problems but it would be nice if it could be implemented…

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And also save the setting, if EQ will reset if you load a new song.

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Hi @maurizio_T,

At this time, that feature is not implemented in djay; however, this has been passed along to our engineering team for further consideration.

Have a fantastic day and thanks again for the feature suggestion!

Thanks, it should be easy to implement like when the Key lock function memory was introduced

DJayPro would benefit greatly from this.

Playing tracks from different eras, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s makes it REALLY OBVIOUS the techniques in bass recording and in particular bass play back in club systems meant improvements in LOW FREQUENCY definition and VOLUME.

Changes in LOW frequency reproduction allowed genres like House music and Drum & Bass to come into existence.

No Chic record has the bottom end of a 90’s or 2000’s track and Chic records were produced and engineered a by a bona fide genius.

DJ’s EQ tracks to compensate, so that the old tracks have reasonable presence and frequency range alongside new tracks.

The fact DJayPro doesn’t support this is ridiculous, EQ adjustments made by the DJ/USER need to be captured with the track meta data along with cue points and loaded when the track is loaded.