Scratch Preset FX "Shareable ScratchFX"

Imagine instant scratchFx from world’s greatest scratch dj’s like Qbert, DJ Scratch and other legends. Or maybe create your own scratchFx pack?

First let me be clear: this is not to prevent dj’s from learning how to scratch or cheat, it is to preserve and promote the wonderful art of scratching.

A “DJ Angelo Classic Scratch Pack” might contain:
Chirp, Flare, Orbit, Crab, Scribble, Tear, Transformer

The technical masterpiece that Djay Pro pulls of goes like this:
To create scratchFx you would need:

  • DjaY Pro
  • DVS record/timecode vinyl.
  1. DVS timecode recording function (recording scratch data from the 1kHz timecode)
  2. Scratch in and out point edit
  3. Save scratch preset
  4. Create Fx pack that contains the presets
  5. Export Fx pack and share*

*Apart from the commercial implementation of an idea like this, it really would be something new for the world of scratching. For many great scratches in the end all there is left is old youtube video’s.
A scratch is a movement, it is not a sound. The movement of the dj’s hand can now be preserved in time for others to enjoy and learn from.
Never before was there an option to “package” and share your scratches.

VirtualDJ introduced Scratch DNA six years ago.

Yes you are right, the practical end result is the same for the user.
But the road to get there is not so intuitive. Unless i interpret it wrong:
to create a scratch preset in virtualDJ it requires you to enter text in a window instead of recording your actual real-world live hand movements.

The source of Scratch DNA in this conversation:

Logically, since they are around for such a long time, there is al lot to find in virtualDJ, especially the scripting part is just endless possibilities.

Thanks for the suggestion @jefuqs. I’ve sent it to the dev team for consideration.

I realize this isn’t exactly what you are suggesting, but in case you aren’t aware, djay already includes some scratch tools:

  1. Long press or click on the empty album artwork next to the waveform display (Windows & iOS) to bring up the Scratch Tools menu. From here, you can select the DJ Qbert Skratch Tools

  2. Also, in the djay Settings>MIDI there’s an option for Crossfader Cutting Mode, which helps make precise cuts easier. Basically this mode turns your crossfader into an On/Off switch. Laidback Luke uses this setting on the Reloop Mixtour.

  3. On iOS, there’s an auto-cut / auto-scratch mode enabled when you press 2 fingers on the detailed waveform or record. This automatically performs the rhythmic crossfader cutting movements for you.

  4. EDIT: This same auto-scratch mode above can be performed on macOS by holding SHIFT+ clicking on the detailed waveform.

  5. EDIT: Auto-scratch also works on most MIDI controllers by holding down the SHIFT key and moving the jogwheel.

Hi @Slak_Jaw, yeah actually my point is to really go all the way, to actually use the hand moves of the dj’s themselves.
Perhaps compare it to a Reverb. You have several like Lexicon / FabFilter / UAD etc.
They all are instant, all are reverbs but with their own flavour.
And i did not mean to use this feature in DVS mode, but as an InstantFX.
So you, just as reverb, get to apply this scratchFx to any song.
Again, it is about the “recorded” hand movements of the dj that created the scratch.

Hopefully you understand me :wink:

By the way, the tip long press or click only works on the iPad for me, not on macOS.

Yes, I understood you in the first post. Just wanted to share some of the existing scratch tools in case you were not aware of them. You can also use the existing Gater FX to mimic basic crossfader cutting.

Sorry, on macOS, you access the scratch tools from Deck (1, 2)>Load Scratch Tools.

Hi @jefuqs, I edited my first post above. You can do auto-scratching on macOS by holding down the keyboard Shift key. Also works by holding Shift on most MIDI controllers.

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ha yes i know about the tools, thanks.
haha the Shift on macOS i didn’t know about. That’s a funny one :smiley:

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