Search Issue (not always giving the best result first)

Search option for music is not always giving the best results first…

Please see the video for explaination:

I am using:

  • Device model MacBook Pro 2019
  • Version of operating system Mac OS, Sanoma 14.4.1.
  • Version of djay: 5.1.6
  • Hardware/controllers used: Reloop Mixon 8 Pro

IMO the issue is not with DJay Pro but with how you’re searching.

If you just type three letters, of course you will get many results, containing every word that has those three letters. I just tried the same in VirtualDJ and got over 800 results. Low, slow, blow, flow, glow etc.

However if I search for rida low I get the result right at the top.

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Yes, but what happens when you search for the same in iTunes?

Then you get ‘Low, low’ as a first result and not last, without sorting on any particular column.
(So there is something different in Djay.)

Because you search exactly for the repeating words ‘Low, low, low’ (with spaces and commas) or even for only 'Low ’ (ending with a space), you should expect that this track result would show first because it significantly differs from results where the word ‘low’ is only a part (e.g., ‘FolLOW Me’, ‘big bLOW’).

So, it looks like Djay is e.g. insensitive to repeating words in the search string.
While others tools like iTunes, Google, and many other applications manage to make the search algorithm smarter.

My advice (which applies to any searching, not just DJay) is to search using distinctive words, not generic ones.

For example if I want to to find you on Google, typing in big will give me many results, but not what I want. The top result is a Tom Hanks film, followed by Notorious B.I.G.

When I search for dj big blender though, all the results list what I’m looking for.

Infact: if i was to google him more correctly, I’d type DJ_Big_Blender Almar Hijlkema, Part & Mix Dj from Netherlands :slight_smile: Google will be so happy and zero down my search to almost him.
Same concept applies to djay: use your ID3 tag info as much as possible if you want accurate results.

@DJ_Big_Blender if you want to know the worse search engine, try the apple music app! Returns zero results even if you type at least 1 word you know for sure exists in the song title! :smiley:

Hi all,

Of course, I understand that using more specific search terms (especially title and artist) helps achieve better search results. That’s common sense.

However, my point is about efficiency during DJing. During a performance, you often don’t have the luxury of entering detailed search queries or sometimes can’t even remember the artist’s name. In all cases, you need to act quickly and rely on the robustness of the software’s that gives the best search result IMO.

The issue I experience with Djay Pro is that the search algorithm, in specific cases, does not always present the most relevant results first, even when the search query is clear and specific. (In my case, searching for “low, low, low” is quite specific, and even that doesn’t work.) This is in contrast to other platforms like iTunes, where the same search query does yield the correct results (so it is possible here also).

Therefore, I believe that Djay Pro could improve its search algorithm to better respond to specific queries with repeated words and context.

How are you looking to this @Slak_Jaw ?

Do you think this is something for the development team?

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender,

Our teams are looking into all of this feedback.

We wanted to take a step back and let you, @PKtheDJ, and @Armigo organically provide your own insights on this topic without immediate interjection.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this matter!

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