Searto Crate Folder Error


I’m getting the below errors, I have tried changing the path but I’m not 100% sure where to point it to and even if I make a change it always looks for the path ending in /trash for some reason. Any help appreciated.

Hi @RikParr73, sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue. When creating new topics, please do not forget to answer the questions in our template with specific details about your setup not just “iPad” or “Latest Version”. This helps all of our community moderators to provide the most effective support to users with the utmost efficiency. Thanks!

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I would start looking up on Serato and check the content of that problematic crate.
Check carefully the location of each audio file in that problematic crate and look if some file is really in Trash/Bin folder.

If crate or your audio file are really in your Trash folder, then you should move the crate file and related audio files to somewhere else like into the default “Music” folder.

At least I hate when my Trash/Bin folder icon shows that there is some items on it.
I clear trash bins almost every day :smiley:

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Device Model: macbook Pro 2020
Version of operating system: Sequioa 15.3.1
Version of djay 5.2.9
Hardware/controller: DDJ-SR2

I clear my Trash on a regular basis - there is nothing in there.

Thanks for the additional details @RikParr73. I’ll share this with engineering to see if they can replicate this and offer any suggestions.

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Hi again @RikParr73, can you please check your Serato library within Serato to make sure there are no missing tracks?

Hello! It’s been a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!