Serato Crates Import Documentation

There needs to be a better way to import Serato Crates, need proper documentation on the process.

Hi @Junior_Pops, thanks for the input. I’ve changed this topic from a General Discussion to a Suggestion and have passed this onto the dev team.

Hi @Junior_Pops, I spoke with the dev team, we don’t currently have documentation on this. However, the import can be started from the configuration assistant available from the “djay Pro” menu.

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Thanks but that don’t work properly when you have crates on external drive, this process needs work. Other than that love the improvement on the App.

Hi @Junior_Pops, please try the linked comment below and let me know if this helps. Thanks.


As i mention that don’t work, i have tried it.

Hi @Junior_Pops, can you please explain in more detail how it’s not working? E.g. are you getting an error or running into another issue?

Hi, when i go home i would send you a video on the process and what’s happening

Perfect! Thanks @Junior_Pops

My music is on an external hard drive with my serato crates,

I use the import crate function and it works for me,

I only use the import crate function so my whole library is imported onto DJay and it shows in the “Playlist Section”

when I DJay, I use the “My Files” Section, The newer files I add will always be updated in this section.

when I DJ at events and I need to search for a track I can easily do this through the “My Playlist” section,

simply because I can search files through Sub folders/ Sub crates,

I can not search Sub folders in the “My Files” section. you only have 2 search options, “Folder search” or “whole library search”

“Whole Library” search takes a long time cause it wants to include every word that includes your search text, this causes DJay to freeze momentarily.

I dont know why it does this

@eecy_cee are your subcrates located on the external or internal Serato folder?

My music is located all on an external, the subcrates folder is also on the Serato Subcrates folder located on the External HDD. When I use the import crate function, I select my external HDD - I waited hours and all it did was import all the music but no crates…

after you finish importing your crates, check the “Playlist” section and “My Crates” should show up, make sure you analyze all your music.

I dont use the “Playlist” section when I DJ, I only use this section for importing my crates and adding new music to DJay,

When I DJ, I use the “my files” section I can browse through my folders and DJ accordingly,

bare in my mind I have setup my serato crates to mimic folders,
that means I have setup my folders to how I want my crates to look,

thats why this system works for me. I organise my music by putting my music into seperate folders just like how I want it to look when I convert my folders into crates, using a free app.

This is a ongoing issue , come on developers get this fixed

Hi again @Junior_Pops, were you ever able to capture a video of this as requested above? This would be helpful to communicate things to our engineering team. Thanks!