Sharing of mapping files?

Good day,

I wanted to share my adapted Midi Fighter Twister mapping, but it seems not possible to add the file type of the DJ tech settings file. Only images and Djay midi mapping files?

Cheers, Bart.

Hi @Brainbox,

Thanks for sharing your question in our forum! I’d be happy to help.

May I ask what the extension is of the mapping file you are trying to import into djay?

Additionally, I will be moving your post over to our Questions category for improved community management.

Talk soon!

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Hi @NathanielAlgo ,

The DJTechtools settings file has the .mfs extension.

Cheers, Bart.

Good day @NathanielAlgo,

I got the impression you were asking the details to change the upload options, but I still cannot upload a DJTechtools .mfs settings file.

Thanks and cheers, Bart.

So you want to upload a file to this forum?

I think this forum accept only certain filetypes and that’s the way this site is designed.

Just upload your file to somewhere else and share the link here.
Not optimal but might be faster than to get this site upload rules changed.

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