I Just played the most incredible gig - I’m still buzzing. Two actually. One set on Thursday night and another on Saturday, for the same festival. Thursday was great and Saturday was even more fantastic. I’m using Djay on an iPhone 14 Pro, DVS with two 1200s. Everything went really well. Mostly.
So, request #1:
It would be lovely to be able to see what time it is. My phone is my main clock in this life, and when I’m playing a gig I’m trying to pace myself until the end of my set. But using my iPhone… I end up asking other people what time it is. Seems like we could fit a little clock in there somewhere. It would be really nice to see the time so I know if I have one hour left, etc.
Request #2:
Battery level indicator (and low-battery warning/alert). I was dropping some dance-floor dynamite and the people were in such a vibe. I was having the night of my life. We all were. And then the music just cut out. My phone battery had died. It was an outdoor festival and it was cold out. You know how batteries are in the cold. I DID have my phone plugged into power via the USB/Lightning adapter, but the USB cord had come out of the power block JUST ENOUGH to disconnect - even though it still looked like it was plugged it. It was a real shitty moment. Thankfully, I figured it out quickly and we got the party back on track. But damn. That seems very avoidable if there was a battery level indicator that would have alerted me that my power cord had come out.
I know, real estate is scarce on that little iOS interface, but these life-changing features would be so tiny. Just a thought. Thanks.
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Hi @DavidScottCole, glad to hear about the great gigs! Regarding your 2 requests above, if you put your iPhone in Portrait orientation, you can see both the time and battery level.
OK OK, that’s good. Nice to know it’s there if I’m really needing it. You gotta understand I’m kinda scared to death to touch my phone (besides the touchscreen), when I’m playing a set… anything that could even remotely potentially jar the cable loose. But this is better than nothing!
Although don’t forget some people might have their phone clamped into a little stand. Mine sits on a little tablet stand. I could pick it up if I really wanted to. But I can easily imagine where that might not be the case.
What I’m probably going to do is get an iPad mini for gigs. I’m really missing the ability to take crowd/deck pics and selfies during a set - I want my phone back! 
Thanks for the reply!
You’re welcome @DavidScottCole. I have passed your suggestion onto the dev team for consideration.
With the iPad, the clock and battery level are displayed in landscape mode.
Personally, I prefer to play my gigs on an iPad and have my iPhone ready with djay running as a backup. I usually have it plugged directly into a spare mixer channel via a headphone adapter and 1/8" to RCA cable. You can even use Ableton Link to seamlessly transition from one device to the other in an emergency.
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That’s what I’m talking about. I’m ALL for backups.
Saturday night, I experienced a headphone failure about 15 minutes into my set - and would have missed out on the best 2+ hours of my life - if I didn’t have a backup pair - But I did 
Thanks for the note.
Pretty sure I’ll be moving to iPad in the very near future. I hadn’t considered the phone as a whole backup system but now I will. Fantastic! Thank you.
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No problem! You’re welcome @DavidScottCole
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I use a USB C Splitter 1 to 2 for both battery charging and Audio output with my iPad and the controller. Works fine, bought it at Amazon https://amzn.eu/d/h8JMpVC
Yeah. I have something pretty similar. Works great for a backup.