Slip-Mode for scratching and analyzing a whole music library

Hello there,

I’m new to the party - coming from virtual DJ and not having a fitting controllor for this software yet. i am trying it to see if i should get an ipad and a fitting controller.

2 things i just can’t find:

  • how to put a deck temporarely into slip mode so i can scratch it but it “plays” (silently) further in the beatgrid while scratching a chuck of it like a snare-drum?

  • how to analyze a big library. i added my root directory (which contains ~40 sub-directories) to “my files” and i just can analyze each and every folder by hand. as my library is a dynamic thing (changes and moves) i will have to redo that for each and every directory so far - which is a no-no for me. is there a better way to just say: “hey, here’s the root directory - please scan it all”?

  • also the search does not work in the way i structured my library on the harddisk. if i chose the root directory and go to the search field it does not seem to search subdirectories which is usually convinient.

any help would be appreciated as i like the software a lot so far. great performance, clean, fun to use.

Hi @Comatron,

See below for Slip Mode

If you don’t already have a playlist in My Collection called Music, simply create one. Then add all your songs to this playlist. Finally select the Music playlist and the drop down menu and Analyze Songs*

thanx for the fast help. but there is no “slip” there for me in the windows version 5.0.6439.0 built 22/01/2024

thanx for this aswell but the options are different here. even if this menu worked i am not sure if my folder-structure would have been important aswell. i absolutely wanna keep that structure on the HD as the root folder is synced over nextcloud on 3 devices so my changes are always up to date. thus my plan was to simply re-analyze the whole thing after changes happened in my library.