A simple suggestion: right now it appears you can only set smart playlist rules using AND logic. Please add OR option. like Genre “Rnb” OR comment containts “rnb”, if you enable both options now - nothing will be selected, cause it is only possible to apply all selected filters at once.
Hi @Akrilovy, you can already do this.
- If you want to use “OR”, select multiple Genres within a single rule.
- If you want to use “AND” make a separate rule for each Genre and turn them on at the same time.
I have changed your topic from a Suggestion to a Question. I hope that helps!
What about the situation which I want to select either genre “RnB” or files that contain comment “RnB” but market different style?
Currently, the “OR” command only works within a single rule not between multiple rules. I will pass on the suggestion to the dev team to have an “OR” command between multiple rules though.