Smart Playlists: Add OR operator between different criteria

Hi everyone,

I’d love to see an enhancement in the smart playlists feature. Currently, we can only use the AND operator, but in many cases, I need the flexibility of an OR operator as well.

Here’s how I manage my library: I use the “Genre” metadata tag to indicate the main genre of a track. If a track also resonates with other genres, I add the sub-genre in the comment field, prefixed with a specific ASCII emoji to signify that it’s a sub-genre.


  • Track: Elijay - 1080p
  • Genre: UKDance
  • Comment: ♫NeoSoul

In this example, the primary genre is UKDance, but the track also has a NeoSoul vibe, which I denote in the comments.

To organize my music more efficiently, I want to create a smart playlist that includes all tracks that feel like NeoSoul. For this, I need the following criteria:

  • Genre: NeoSoul OR Comment contains: ♫NeoSoul

Unfortunately, this isn’t currently possible with the existing functionality.

Below are two screenshots illustrating this issue with another genre (Breakbeat).

Only “Genre” rule

“Genre” AND Comment contains rule

Hi @trebbis, the OR command is actually possible within a single criteria/rule.

  1. If you want a Smart Playlist that contains Genre 1 OR Genre 2, you need to select both of the Genres within a Single Rule.
  2. If you want a Smart Playlist that contains BOTH Genre 1 AND Genre 2, then you need to create separate Genre Rules for each one.

Thanks for the feedback @Slak_Jaw but this is not what I am looking for. I want to be able to have the OR criteria between different criteria like in this exmaple Genre and Comment contains.

Do you see a possibility for this?

You’re welcome @trebbis. Yes, I understood what you were asking for above and I have shared this with the dev team for consideration. What I offered above is how OR currently works in djay so you can possibly find a work around with your current workflow. Thanks.

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