Smart Playlists in djay pro 5.2 for WINDOWS

Windows 11 Pro
Djay Pro 5.2 for Windows

  1. I cannot seem to figure out how to utilize Smart Playlists in djay pro 5.2 for Windows. Does this feature even exist on Djay’s Windows platform?

  2. Can someone please point me to any guides / tutorials / videos for Djay pro 5.2 for Windows in English? Multiple online searches only yielded one YouTube video, which is in Italian. I don’t speak Italian.

Appreciate any advice. Thank you.

The product manuals are available on the main site. Unfortunately they’re out of date, and have been for some time. As stated in the other thread (which mentions the Italian video) you can enable subtitles.

This guy makes a lot of djay Pro videos:

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Hi @TheSilverStreak, Smart Playlists are currently not support for djay on Windows. Regarding the user guides and tutorials, our team is working on this, but we don’t yet have any official news to share. I’ll report back here in the Community when we do though.

That’s disappointing news, but I appreciate the response.